Floor Plans

This section includes the floor plans for most University of Waterloo buildings. These are categorized by the name of the building followed by the floor number. Note: you will need to provide your Waterloo userid to view the floor plans. Residence building floor plans are restricted to Plant Operations staff and other selected groups only!

A-C    D-F    G-I    J-L    M-O    P-R    S-V   W-Z

180 King ST S.

ARC - School of Architecture

AL - Arts Lecture Hall


B1 - Biology 1

B2 - Biology 2

BAU - Bauer Warehouse

BMH - B.C. Matthews Hall and LHI - Lyle S. Hallman Institute for Health Promotion

C2 - Chemistry 2

CIF - Columbia Icefield

CLV - Columbia Lake Village

CMH - Claudette Millar Hall

COM - Commissary

CPH - Carl A. Pollock Hall

DC - William G. Davis Computer Research Centre

DMS - Digital Media Stratford

DWE - Douglas Wright Engineering Building

E2 - Engineering 2

E3 - Engineering 3

E5 - Engineering 5

E6 - Engineering 6

E7 - Engineering 7

EC1 - East Campus 1

EC2 - East Campus 2

EC3 - East Campus 3

EC4 - East Campus 4

EC5 - East Campus 5

ECH - East Campus Hall

EIT - Centre for Environmental and Information Technology

ERC - Energy Research Centre

ESC - Earth Sciences & Chemistry

EV1 - Environment 1

EV2 - Environment 2

EV3 - Environment 3

FED - Federation Hall

GA - 335 Gage Ave.

GH - Graduate House

GSC - General Services Complex

HH - J.G. Hagey Hall of the Humanities

HS - Health Services

IHB- Integrated Health Building

LIB - Dana Porter Library

M3 - Mathematics 3

MC - Mathematics & Computer

MHR - Minota Hagey Residence

MKV - William Lyon Mackenzie King Village

ML - Modern Languages

NH - Ira G. Needles Hall

OPT - Optometry

PAC - Physical Activities Complex

PAS - Psychology, Anthropology & Sociology

PHR - School of Pharmacy

PHY - Physics

QNC - Quantum Nano Centre

RAC - Research Advancement Centre

RA2 - Research Advancement Centre 2

RCH - J.R. Coutts Engineering Lecture Hall

REV - Ron Eydt Village

SCH - South Campus Hall

SLC - Student Life Centre

STC - Science Teaching Complex

TC - William M. Tatham Centre for Co-operative Education & Career Action

TH - Tutors' Houses

TJB - Toby Jenkins Applied Health Research Building

UC - University Club

UWP - University of Waterloo Place

V1 - Student Village 1

Roof Plans