At the beginning of the course, Matt learned how to use the technical equipment in the room so that the instructor was able to focus on the students. Throughout the course, Matt provided advice on leading tutorials and marking assignments to fellow teaching assistants (TAs), and he readily filled in for other TAs when they were unavailable. When Matt worked with students he was fair, kind, and honest. He made sure that all students felt welcome and safe in the class, and he willingly gave his time to help students.
The course instructor praised Matt for exceeding his responsibilities “in so many ways I don’t know where to begin.” A fellow TA described Matt’s "outstanding job in not only guiding the students, but aiding the other six TAs”, and a student noted Matt’s “enthusiasm and willingness to give his own time to help students”.
Have you had an exceptional teaching assistant (TA) in the School of Public Health and Health Systems?
We encourage you to nominate an outstanding TA by following this link to the Nomination Form. Please be sure and fill out each of the fields on the form. You may nominate any student who served as a TA for a graduate or undergraduate course in the fall, winter, or spring term (only one nominee per person, please). Nominations are accepted from graduate and undergraduate students and faculty members; the winner will be selected based on the quality of these nominations. The award winner will be announced at the end of August. We would greatly appreciate having you take the time to nominate a TA who has positively impacted students' learning experiences.
If you have questions, please contact Professor Mark Oremus.