Awards and distinctions
Year | Award/Distinction |
1997 | Contribution to Evaluation In Canada Award |
1999 | Coach: National Student Evaluation Case Competition Finalists |
2000 | Coach: National Student Evaluation case Competition Winners |
2001 | Coach: National Student Evaluation Case Competition Winners |
2002 | Research Writing Award (with Tudor-Locke): Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport |
2003 | Coach: National Student Evaluation Case Competition Finalists |
2004 | Coach: National Student Evaluation Case Competition Finalists |
2005 | Coach: Nation Student Evaluation Case Competition Finalists |
2005 | Fellow Status: Gerontological Society of America: Clinical Medicine Section |
2008 | Coach: Nation Student Evaluation Case Competition Winners |
2008 | Fellow Status; Canadian Evaluation Society |
Awards by supervised students
Hutchinson -
Powell -
Cheryl Madill - Winner of the Canadian Evaluation Soci13ety's Student Essay Award for her master's thesis evaluating literacy training programs.
Paul Stolee - Winner of the Gerontological Society of America's Clinical Medicine Person-in-Training Award for his doctoral thesis on Goal Attainment Scaling: An individualized approach to outcome measurement in geriatric rehabilitation.
Renee Williams - Runner-up for the Canadian Evaluation Society's Student Essay Award for her doctoral thesis on measuring the recovery of injured workers with low back pain.
Catrine Tudor-Locke - Winner of the Bayer Corporation Award for innovation in diabetes education.
Members of HSG team who won the National Student Evaluation Case Competition: Jennifer Yessis, Liz Cyarto, Adam Spencer, Trisha Gavin and Candace Nykiforuk.
Catrine Tudor-Locke - Winner of the Governor General's Gold Medal for Doctoral Students at the University of Waterloo's Spring Convocation.
Nancy Pearce. Finalist of the Gerontological Society of America's Clinical Medicine Person in Training Award for her work on the new ABC-LTC to assess fear of falling in nursing home residents.
Nancy Pearce. NCIC-Canadian Cancer Society Studentship Award for her PhD dissertation work on Peer Support Service Utilization by Older Adults Living with Cancer.

Members of HSG team who won the National Student Evaluation Case Competition (Finals held in Banff, AB - May 2001) From left to right: Liz Cyarto, Nancy Pearce, Trisha Gavin,Mark Seasons (co-coach), Anita Myers (coach), Candace Nykiforuk & Nicki Mitek (Lauzon).

Members of HSG team who won the National Student Evaluation Case Competition (Finals held in Quebec City, QC - 2008) From left to right:Colleen Dwyer, Sarah Viehbeck, Michelle Viebert, Robin Blanchard, Anita Myers (coach).
Award winning presentations by graduate students
*Powell L, Myers AM, Maki B, & Holliday P. The Activities-specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale. Presented at the President's Poster Session of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, Nov., 1993. Winner of 1993 Clinical Medicine Person-in-Training Award.
*Madill C & Myers AM. Evaluating literacy training: A feasibility study. Evaluation '95. Vancouver, Nov., 1995. Winner of the Canadian Evaluation Society's Student Essay Award for 1995.
*Stolee P, Stadnyk K, Myers AM & Rockwood K. An individualized approach to outcome measurement in geriatric rehabilitation. Presented at the President's Poster Session of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington D.C., Nov., 1996. Winner of the 1996 Clinical Medicine Person-in-Training Award.
*Williams R & Myers AM. Measuring the recovery of injured workers with low back pain I:The Functional Abilities Confidence Scale (FACS). Presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the
Canadian Evaluation Society, Ottawa, May, 1997. Runner-up for the Canadian Evaluation Society’s Student Essay Award for 1997.
*Tudor-Locke C & Myers AM. Using evaluation to identify gaps between standards, clinical practice and patient needs. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Evaluation Society, St John’s, Nfld, June, 1998. Winner of the Bayer Corp. award for innovation in diabetes education.
*NJM Pearce, Myers AM, *Blanchard R, Malott O & Lazowski D. The new ABC-LTC to assess fear of falling in nursing home residents. Presented at the 56th annual meeting of the the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego CA, Nov, 2003.Nancy Pearce was selected as a finalist for the Clinical Medicine Person-in-Training Award.
*Blanchard R, Myers AM & *Pearce N. Reliability and validity of the ABC-LTC scale for institutional living seniors. Presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando Florida, Nov, 2005. Robin Blanchard was awarded runner-up for the GSA Clinical Medicine Person-in-Training Award for this paper based on her thesis work.
Professional society & editorial positions
Editorial Boards
The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 1988 - present.
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 1997 - 2003.
Associate Editor
Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 1999 - 2000.
Executive Executive Committee & Vice President
The Canadian Evaluation Society, National Council, 1993-1997
Board & Vice Chair
The Canadian Evaluation Society, Ontario Chapter, 1994-1997
Publications (last 10 years)
Note: *indicates student status at time of publication/presentation or based on student thesis
*Tudor-Locke C, Myers AM, Jacob CS, Jones G, Lazowski DA & Ecclestone NA. Development and formative evaluation of the Centre for Activity and Ageing’s Home Support Exercise Program for frail older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity2000; 8: 59-75.
Petrella RJ, Payne MW, Myers AM, Overend TJ & Chesworth BM. Physical function and fear of falling after hip fracture rehabilitation in the elderly. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2000; 79: 154-160.
*Tudor-Locke C, Bell RC & Myers AM. Re-visiting the role of physical activity and exercise in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology 2000; 25: 466-492.
*Tudor-Locke C, Myers AM, Rodger NW. Formative evaluation of the First Step Program: A practical intervention to increase daily physical activity. Canadian Journal of Diabetes Care 2000; 24: 56-60.
Tudor-Locke C & Myers AM. Challenges and opportunities for measuring physical activity in sedendary adults. Sports Medicine 2001; 31: 91-100.
*Williams RM & Myers AM. Support for a shortened Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire. Physiotherapy Canada 2001; 53: 60-66.
*Kay TM, Myers AM, *Huijbregts MPJ. How far have we come since 1992? A comparative survey of physiotherapists’ use of outcome measures. Physiotherapy Canada 2001; 53: 268-275, 281.
*Tudor-Locke C, Myers AM, Rodger NW. Development of a theory-based daily activity intervention for individuals with Type 2 diabetes. The Diabetes Educator2001; 27: 85-93.
Tudor-Locke C & Myers AM. Methodological considerations for researchers and practitioners using pedometers to measure physical (ambulatory) activity. Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport 2001; 72: 1-12. Awarded the 2002 Research Writing Award
*Huijbregts MPJ, Myers AM, *Kay TM, & *Gavin T. Systematic outcome measurement in clinical practice: Challenges experienced by physiotherapists. Physiotherapy Canada 2002; 54: 25-36.
*Tudor-Locke C, Myers AM, Bell RC, Harris SB & Rodger NW. Preliminary outcome evaluation of the First Step Program: A daily physical activity intervention for individuals with Type 2 diabetes. Patient Education and Counseling 2002; 47: 23-28.
Tudor-Locke C, Bell RC, Myers AM, Harris SB, *Lauzon N & Rodger NW. Pedometer-determined ambulatory activity in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2002;55: 191-199.
Tudor-Locke C, Jones GR, Myers AM, Paterson DH & Ecclestone NA. Contribution of structured exercise class participation to total physical activity in community-dwelling older adults. Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport 2002; 73: 350-356.
*Gavin TS & Myers AM. Characteristics, enrollment, attendance and dropout patterns of older adults in beginner Tai-Chi and line dancing programs. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 2003; 11: 1-19.
Johnson CS, Myers AM, Scholey LM, *Cyarto EV & Ecclestone NA. Outcome evaluation of the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging’s Home Support Exercise Program for frail older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 2003; 11: 408-424.
Seasons M & Myers AM. Reflections on the case competition: The coaches’ perspective. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 2003; 18: 113-118.
*Cyarto EV, Myers AM & Tudor-Locke C. Pedometer accuracy in nursing home and community-dwelling older adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2004; 36(2): 205-209.
Tudor-Locke C, Bell RC, Myers AM, Harris SB, Ecclestone NA, *Lauzon N & Rodger NW. Controlled outcome evaluation of the First Step Program: A daily physical activity intervention for individuals with Type 2 diabetes. International Journal of Obesity 2004; 28(1): 113-119.
Gauthier B, Barrington G, Bozzo SL, Chaytor K, Cullen J, Lahey R, Malatest R, Mason G, Mayne J, Myers AM, Porteous NL & Roy S. The lay of the land: Evaluation practice in Canada today. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 2004; 19(1): 143-170.
Johnson, CSJ, Myers AM, Jones GR, Fitzgerald C, Lazowski DA, Stolee P, Orange JB, Segall N & Ecclestone NA. Evaluation of the Restorative Care Education and Training Program for Nursing Homes. Canadian Journal on Aging 2005; 24 (2): 115-126.
Myers AM, *Cyarto EV & *Blanchard R. Challenges in quantifying mobility in frail older adults. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 2005; 2: 13-21.
*Pearce NJ, Myers, AM, *Blanchard RA. Assessing subjective fall concerns in residential living seniors: Development of the Activities-specific Fall Caution (AFC) Scale. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2007; 88: 724-731.
*Blanchard RA, Myers AM, *Pearce NJ. Reliability, construct validity and clinical feasibility of the Activities-specific Fall Caution (AFC) Scale for residential living seniors. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2007; 88: 732-739.
Myers AM, *Paradis J, *Blanchard RA. Conceptualizing and measuring driving confidence in older drivers: Development of the Day and Night Driving Comfort Scales. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2008; 89: 630-640.
*Lauzon N, Chan CB, Myers AM, Tudor-Locke C. Participant experiences in a workplace pedometer-based physical activity program. Journal of Physical Activity & Health 2008; 5: 1-13.
Myers AM, *Blanchard RA, *MacDonald L, Porter MM. Process evaluation of the AAA Roadwise Review CD-ROM™: Observed and reported experiences of older drivers. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation (Public Health, Aging and Disability) 2008; 24; 224-238.
*MacDonald L, Myers AM, Blanchard RA. Correspondence among older drivers’ perceptions, abilities and behaviors. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation (Public Health, Aging and Disability) 2008; 24: 239-252.
*Huijbregts MPJ, Myers AM, Streiner D, Teasell R. Implementation, process, and preliminary outcome evaluation of two community programs for persons with stroke and their care partners. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 2008; 15: 503-520.
Tudor-Locke C, *Lauzon N, Myers AM, Bell RC, Chan CB, McCargar L, Speechley M, Rodger NW. Effectiveness of the First Step Program delivered by professionals versus peers. Journal of Physical Activity & Health 2009; 6: 456-462.
*Blanchard RA, Myers AM. Correspondence between self-reported and objective measures of driving exposure and patterns in older drivers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, in press.
Myers AM. Program Evaluation for Exercise Leaders. Champaign IL: Human Kinetics. 1999.
Myers AM, Malott OW, & *Gavin TS. Process evaluation of Ontario’s license renewal program for older drivers. Prepared for the Safety Policy Branch, The Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, 1999.
Myers AM, Malott OW, *Gavin TS & *Raney D. Needs assessment with future recipients: Awareness and impressions of Ontario’s license renewal regulations for older drivers. Prepared for the Safety Policy Branch, The Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, 1999.
Myers AM. Survey of Driver Improvement Counsellors. Prepared for the Safety Policy Branch, The Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, 2004.
Myers AM & *Pearce NJM. Examination of Screening Tools for Potential Use by Driver Improvement Counsellors. Prepared for the Safety Policy Branch, The Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, 2004.
Myers AM. Pilot Study of Revised Group Education Session Curriculum for Drivers Aged 80 and Over. Prepared for the Safety Policy Branch, The Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, 2004.
Myers AM. Development of a Driver Confidence Scale (DCS) for Older Drivers. Prepared for CanDRIVE (Canadian Driving Research Initiative for Vehicular Safety in the Elderly), funded by CIHR-Institute of Aging, Ottawa: Elizabeth Bruyere Research Institute, Nov, 2005.
Lauzon NL & Myers AM. Recommendations for Enhancing Participant Recruitment for the Oxford County Blood Pressure Education Program. Prepared for Oxford County Public Health, 2008.
Myers AM, *Blanchard R, Vrkljan B & Marshall S. Evaluating Policies and Procedures in Canada for Determining Fitness-to-Drive and Licensure Recommendations. Interim report prepared for the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, September 11, 2009.
Research grants and contracts (selected)
Researcher(s) | Agency | Amount ($) | Tenure | Title |
W. Rodger (PI), N. Ecclestone (PI), C. Tudor-Locke, A. Myers, R. Bell |
Canadian Diabetes Associations | 80,000 | 2001-03 | Evaluation of Implement & Dissemination: Prototypes for the First Step Program |
N. Ecclestone (PI), L. Scholey, AW Taylor, A. Myers, S. Jacob | Ontario Trillium Foundation | 24,6200 | 2001-04 | Dissemination of Home Support Exercise Program for the Frial Elderly |
*MJ Huibjgragts (PI), A. Myers, D. Streiner | Baycrest Centre & Collaborative Rehab (UofT) | 12,500 | 2001-02 | Evaluation of Community Stroke Programs |
N. Ecclestone (PI), *L. Cyarto, B. Taylor, A. Myers, G. Jones | Health Canada Physical Activity Contribution Program | 60,000 | 2002 | National Leadership TraiStudent Fellowship (assist Guyana Red Cross w. eval),00n2005ing Initiatives |
W. Rodger (PI) N. Ecclestone (co-PI) C. Tudor-Locke, A. Myers, R. Bell, L McCargar, C Chan, M. Speechley, M Litt |
Health Canada (Canadian Diabetes Strategy) | 350,000 | 2002-05 |
Evaluation of National Dissemination of the First Step Program |
J. Campbell & A. Myers (co-PIs) | Ontario Ministry of Transportation | 116,775 | 2003-04 | Revision & evaluation of renewal programs & procedures for drivers 80+Ontario Ministry of Transportation |
A Myers (PI) *B Elliott |
CIDA/Canada Corps Partnership | 13,000 | 2005 | Student Fellowship (assist Guyana Red Cross w. eval) |
A. Myers (PI) | CanDRIVE Research Institute |
14,800 17,000 |
2005-06 2005-07 |
Summer Fellowships MSc Student Fellowship |
M. Porter (PI), A Myers, H. Tuokko & M Bedard |
CIHR-Institute on Aging: Strategic Initiative (Team Planning Grant) | 73,110 | 2006-07 | MOBILE: Quantifying Mobility in Older Adults: Mixed-methods Approach |
M. Hing (PI) with several co-PIs, CanDRIVE members (including A. Myers) | CIHR-Institute on Aging: LOI (30 of 101 approved) | 9,840 | 2007 | The CIHR Team in Driving in Older Persons (CanDRIVE II) Research Program |
M. Porter, A. Myers, M. Bedard |
CIHR: Research on Aging Advancement Program | 5,000 (awarded Dec, 2007) | 2007-08 | Knowledge transfer at the Transportation Research Board in Washington, DC Jan/08 (travel expenses) |
M. Man-Son-Hing & S. Marshall (PIs), Myers: Co-PI; Leader of Psychosocial Project |
CIHR Team Grant | 1,115,747 per year for 5 years | 2008-13 | CanDRIVE II: Older Person Driving (cohort study of 1,000 drivers 70+) |
A. Myers | Candrive II | 5,252 | 2008 | Summer Fellowships* |
A. Myers | CES-SSHRC | 1,000 | 2008 | Conference Travel (Quebec) |
A. Myers (PI), B. Vrkljan and S. Marshall | Ontario Neurotrauma foundation | 146,788 | 2009-10 | Evaluating polices & procedures in Canada for fitness-to-drive |
A. Myers | Candrive II | 17,850 | 2009-10 |
Doctoral Fellowhsip* (drivers with Parkinson’s) |
Graduate student supervision
Paul Stolee. Thesis: An Investigation of Goal Attainment Scaling as a Research and Clinical Measure in the Frail Elderly. Completed 1996. Current Position: Associate Professor, University of Waterloo.
Renee Williams. Thesis: The Functional Abilities Confidence Scale (FACS) and the Resumption of Activities of Daily Living (RADL) Scale for Injured Workers with Low Back Pain. Completed 1997. Current Position: Full Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University.
Catrine Tudor-Locke. Thesis: Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Daily Activity Intervention for Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. Began 1996; completed 1999. Winner of UW Governor General’s Gold Medal, June 2000 convocation. Current Position: Tenured, Associate Professor, Department of Exercise & Wellness, Arizona State University.
Trisha Gavin. Thesis: A Process and Outcome Evaluation of Community Tai Chi Programs for Older Adults. Completed 2001. Current Position: Program Research (and evaluation) Analyst, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board.
Maria Huijbregts. Thesis: Effectiveness and Feasibility of two Community-based Programs for Stroke Survivors and Care Partners: The Living with Stroke and the Stroke Self Management Program. Began part-time 1998; completed 2004. Current Position: Director Clinical Evaluation, Baycrest (Centre for Geriatric Care), Toronto.
Nancy Pearce. Began Fall 2002. Thesis: Older Adults Living with Cancer: Supportive Care Needs and Ultilization of Peer Support Services. Current Position: Lecturer, Dept HSG, University of Waterloo.
Nicola Lauzon. Dissertation proposal phase. Withdrew Fall, 2008. Plans to return part-time. Current Position: Evaluator, Evaluation & Analysis Branch, Knowledge Translation, CIHR, Ottawa.
Robin Blanchard. Thesis: Examination of Older Driver Perceptions and Actual Driving Behaviour in Sole Household Drivers and Driving Couples. Completed August, 2008. Current position (2009-2010): coordinator of our ONF project on licensing policies at University of Waterloo (ONF postdoc).
Alex Crizzle. Began PhD HSB/AHWS Fall 2006. Dissertation: Perceptions and Self-regulatory Behavior of Older Drivers with Parkinson’s compared to Age-matched Healthy Drivers. In progress. Funded by doctoral fellowship from Candrive II.
Sue Garceau. Thesis: Type A Behaviour Pattern in Women as it Relates to Type of Occupation. 1983.
Judy Manthorpe. Thesis: An Assessment of the One-Write Physician Prescribing System. 1984.
Kimberly Scott. Thesis: Self-evaluation: Relationship to Physical Training and Substance Abuse Patterns in Native Adolescents. 1987. Current Position: Owner of consulting firm: Kishk Anaquot Health Research in Ottawa. Specializes in evaluation of federal health programs for First Nations populations.
Andree Fafard. Thesis: Examination of Self-reported Medication Taking Behaviour in Seniors. 1988.
Lynda Powell. Thesis: Situation Specific Indicators of Fear of Falling. 1990-1993. Current position: Manager, Rehabilitation Services, Community Care Access Centre, Sudbury, Ontario.
Nancy Keat. Thesis: Changing Profiles of Applicants to Ontario Nursing Programs. 1994. Last known position: Clinical Director, St Mary’s Hospital, Waterloo, Ontario.
Cheryl Madill. Thesis: Evaluation of Literacy Training: A Feasibility Study. 1995. Current Position: Data Analyst, Health Behaviour Research Group, University of Waterloo.
Elana Gray (formerly Schapp). Thesis: Evaluation of the Heartmobile Health Promotion Program. 1993-1996. Current Position: Evaluation and Research Consultant, Gray & Associates, Streetsville, Ontario.
Deb Raney. Thesis: Balancing Public Safety with Individual Rights: A Needs Assessment of Older Drivers. 1999. Last known position: Research Department, Grand River Hospital, Kitchener.
Elizabeth Cyarto. Thesis: Measuring Level of Physical Activity and Mobility in Long-term Care Residents: The Utility of Pedometers and the Nursing Home Life-Space Diameter. Part-time 1998-2001. PhD from School of Movement Studies, University of Queensland, Australia.
Nancy Pearce. Thesis: Conceptualizing and Measuring Fear of Falling in Nursing Home Residents. 2002. Current Position: Lecturer, Dept HSG, University of Waterloo.
Robin Blanchard. Thesis: Examination of the Reliability and Validity of the Activities-specific Balance Confidence for Long-Term Care (ABC-LTC) Scale. 2004. Current position (2009-2010): coordinator of our ONF project on licensing policies at University of Waterloo (ONF postdoc).
Nicola Lauzon (formerly Mitek). Thesis: Participant Experiences of a Pedometer-based, Workplace Physical Activity Program. Part-time 2000-2004. Current Position: Evaluator, Evaluation & Analysis Branch, Knowledge Translation, CIHR, Ottawa.
Josee Paradis. Thesis: Conceptualizing and Measuring Driving Confidence in Older Drivers. Part-time 2004-2006. Completed Medical School, University of Ottawa.
Lisa MacDonald. Began Fall 2005. Thesis: Further Examination of the Construct Validity of the Driving Comfort Scales. Completed July, 2007. Accepted into HSG doctoral program for Fall 2007.
Aileen Trang. Began MSc Fall 2007. Thesis: Examination of Winter Driving and Associated Comfort Level in Older Drivers over a Two Week Period. Proposal approved October, 2008. Expect defense by Winter or Spring, 2010.
Graduate courses taught (past 5 years)
HSG 604: Evaluation of Health and Human Service Programs
HLTH 720: Advanced Program Evaluation (Special Topics Course)
HSG 641/741: Research Practicum
AHS 750: Fundamentals of Aging, Health & Well-being (Module on Mobility)