PhD Public Health and Health Systems
Helen Chen, PhD and Zahid Butt, PhD
Associated with Digital Intelligence for Public Health (DI4PH)
My thesis
I’m passionate about infodemic or health mis-/disinformation associated with infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, since the infodemic has been amplified by the pandemic. Therefore, I’ve published a scoping review as a foundation for my PhD research. I aim to develop an infodemic conceptual framework to further explore how infodemic influences people’s decision and behaviour with Twitter data analyzed by machine learning or artificial intelligence techniques. My framework investigates and explains how people’s online behaviours on social media can be related to people’s emotions and attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines and corresponding offline behaviours.
My time at the School of Public Health Sciences
Although I started my doctoral program virually during the pandemic in the School of Public Health Sciences (SPHS), I have participated in many online activities to meet other fellows. For example, I have served as Vice President of Communications for the SPHS Graduate Student Association (SPHS GSA) and a mentor for SPHS GSA’s peer mentorship. I’ve also participated in World Health Organization’s infodemic manager training to become a certified infodemic manager to help manage infodemic or health misinformation.
Links to external sources
What social media has told us in the time of COVID-19: a scoping review