Inspire change
The Master of Development Practice (MDP) program is a professional course-based program that positions graduates as global development professionals. This on-campus program can be completed in one year of full-time study.
MDP prepares students to better identify and address the challenges of extreme poverty and sustainable development through excellent course offerings. With a focus on sustainable development, the MDP offers courses from four intersecting areas: health, natural, social, and management sciences.
Field placements are a critical component of the MDP program and allows students to gain real-world practical experience in the development sector in countries such as India, Madagascar, Tanzania and Canada.
Our graduates work as:
Education Co-ordinator, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities
Co-ordinator, The Hunger Project Canada
Executive Director, Thrive Uganda
Director, United Nations Association in Canada
Agriculture Consultant, Associations des Unions Maraichere des Niayes
Jennifer Doucet
Graduate Program Coordinator
Master of Development Practice (MDP)