The School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED) is pleased to recognize five new graduates of the Masters of Environmental Studies in Sustainability Management. Our research students have been working remotely due to worldwide constraints associated with the COVID-19 lockdown. The following theses were completed, orally defended and are now publicly available on the University’s thesis depository.
Critical Infrastructure Resilience: Findings From a Systematic Review – by Aleksandra Biskupovic under the supervision of Jason Thistlewaite
Mangrove-Dependent Small-Scale Fisher (SSF) Communities in the Sundarbans – Vulnerable yet Viable – by Aishwarya Pattanaik under the supervision of Prateep Nayak
Adaptive Responses of Small-Scale Fisheries to the Vulnerabilities Resulting from Crude Oil Extraction in Western Ghana - by Joyce Sekyi under the supervision of Prateep Nayak
The Impact of Foreign Aid in Access to Clean Water : A Case Study in Dhaka - by Rumana Khorshed under the supervision of Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger
Sustainable Tourism Planning and Cross-Sector Partnerships in Small-Scale Fishing Communities: Prospects and Challenges for Viability in Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve, Mexico - by Valeria Mendoza De La Luz under the supervision of Prateep Nayak
Learn more about SEED’s Masters in Sustainability Management.
Cover photo credit - Karen Allen