Last week the Waterloo Environment and Business Students (WEBS) Association “suited up” for a new initiative they created, called the “Network Now” workshop. Students from first to fourth year gathered to uncover tips and tricks for networking, LinkedIn, resume writing, and interviews.

The evening began with a presentation from Joanne Adair, SEED’s Experiential Learning and Business Engagement Coordinator. The focus was on demystifying networking, and providing a set of tools to use in any networking situation.
It continued with an informative session on how to utilize LinkedIn to its fullest capacity. Students had the opportunity to take professional photos for their profile, and edit key profile elements to be more effective.
To conclude the evening, students separated into groups where they practiced their communication proficiencies through mock interviews and elevator pitches. WEBS also graciously provided resume critique assistance. Of course, there was lots of pizza to satisfy the hungry networkers!
To learn more about experiential learning and engagement activities in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, contact Joanne Adair,