Monday, April 5, 2021
The School of Environment, Enterprise & Development (SEED) is pleased to announce five of our students have received this year's SEED First Scholarly Publication Award. This award is given to a master’s student in any SEED graduate program who publishes, as first-author, their first peer-reviewed publication. In 2020-21 our students published in a range of peer-reviewed journals, covering a spectrum of research topics, and contributing to SEED's reputation in interdisciplinary research and scholarship. All five master’s student-led papers were co-authored with their supervisors, continuing our tradition of collaboration and mentorship.
- Giesinger, K., & Wilson, J. (2021). The System of Economic Development and its Complexity. Economic Development Journal of Canada. Available at
- Mohammadi, E., Singh, S., & Habib, K. (2020). Electronic waste in the Caribbean: An impending environmental disaster or an opportunity for a circular economy? Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 164.
- Mollaei, A., Ibrahim, N., & Habib, K. (2020). Estimating the construction material stocks in two Canadian cities: A case study of Kitchener and Waterloo. Journal of Cleaner Production, 280-2.
- Mollaei, S., Dias, G., & Minaker, L. (2021). Development and testing of the Sustainable Nutrition Environment Measures Survey for retail stores in Ontario. Public Health Nutrition, 1-10.
- Withanage, S. V., Dias, G., & Habib, K. (2020). Review of household food waste quantification methods: focus on composition analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 123722.
Learn more about SEED’s graduate programs.