Economic development marketing firm DCI named the Local Economic Development (LED) program's blog, Higher ED one of its top blogs.
Higher ED: Insights for the Next Economy is a platform for students, guest speakers, staff and faculty of the University of Waterloo’s professional and graduate economic development programs to share knowledge with the field at large. The series takes works destined for an academic audience and reworks them into a fresh, easy-to-digest blog article.
As the only Canadian blog to make DCI's list, Higher ED joins a group featuring The Atlantic's CityLab blog and Forbes Economic Development Blog.
Higher ED is edited by Michelle Madden, Outreach Manager for the Economic Development Program. She manages content and encourages LED students to write 500 word summaries of their major research paper to share with the wider audience. She also draws from papers completed by economic developers for the professional training program.
Check out three recent Higher ED posts:
The Higher ED Blog: What’s new in economic development research
The goal of the Higher ED Blog is to put cutting-edge economic development research into the hands of practitioners. We typically do that by giving.
The rise of airports and freeway interchanges as cargo shipping points, and availability of inexpensive land in their vicinities, has drawn logistics services away from.
The Higher ED Blog: Nine ways economic developers can use social media
Social media is not a fad. In Canada, 69 per cent of the population visited at least one social networking site in 2013 and social.