Monday, May 31, 2021
Professor Amelia Clarke and former students, Eduardo Ordonez-Ponce (PhD’18), Samantha Linton (MES’20) and Krista Wong (MES’17), have publications resulting from their thesis:
- Ordóñez-Ponce, E., Clarke, A., & Colbert, B. (2021). Collaborative Sustainable Business Models: Understanding Organizations Partnering for Community Sustainability. Business and Society, 60(5): 1174-1215.
- Linton, S., Clarke, A. & Tozer, L. (2021). Strategies and Governance for Implementing Deep Decarbonization Plans at the Local Level. Sustainability, 13(1), 154.
- Wong, K., Clarke, A. & Ordóñez-Ponce, E. (2020). Cross-Sector Partnerships for Implementing Community Climate Action Plans: Implementation Structures, Partner Outcomes and Plan Outcomes. In: von Schnurbein, G. (Ed.) Transitioning to Strong Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals. SDG Book Series. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. https://doi: 10.3390/books978-3-03897-883-1-9
The Master of Enironment and Business program is happy to report that Danielle Urton (MEB’19) and program director, Daniel Murray, have an article published from research conducted as part of the ENBUS 690 capstone project.
- Uron, D. & Murray, D. (2021) Project manager’s perspectives on enhancing collaboration in multidisciplinary environmental management projects. Project Leadership and Society, 2.
Learn more about SEED’s Master’s in Sustainability Management and PhD in Sustainability Management programs.