SEED students visit Greentec Plant for tour and discussion on e-waste issues and opportunities
Professors Steve Young and Jennifer Lynes took a group of students from the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development on a tour at the Greentec Plant in Cambridge, Ontario. Greentec specializes in helping clients manage their end-of-life information technology equipment (electronics) in full compliance with all government regulations. It is the second largest ‘steward’ of electronic waste in Ontario.
The Greentec team led the tour and were very knowledgeable and friendly, ensuring the students had an engaging, informative tour. The tour itself focused on the receiving, sorting, disassembly, shredding and storage of the electronics. Students also learned the business model for the e-waste industry and the numerous provincial regulations and certifications involved in recycling e-waste. The tour ended with discussions around motivating greater collection from consumers and organizations disposing of e-waste, data security, and environmental responsibility.