Tingting Wu obtained her PhD in Environmental Economics from McGill University. Her research interests are in the areas of sustainable finance, environmental and agricultural economics, and international trade. Her current research projects investigate the economic and environmental impact of climate change policies and renewable energy. She is also drawn to research understanding the impact of climate change and policy risks on firm’s financial performance. In addition, she has experience on modeling the sustainable management practices in the northern part of China, to solve water erosion and grassland degradations due to over-grazing in the area.
Tingting is enthusiastic about, and has taught several economic and finance courses, covering topics in microeconomics, macroeconomics, financial economics, labour economics, and corporate finance. She is also drawn to teaching topics in sustainability, environmental and resource economics, and sustainable finance. She is currently teaching Sustainable Economics (SFM102). She welcomes students to come and talk about their student lives and studies.
Tingting has collaborated/worked with government agencies such as Agricultural and Agri-food Canada and the United Nations. Prior to joining SEED, Tingting worked as a visiting professor at the John Molson School of Business of Concordia University.