In Nigeria, data on mangrove use, livelihood dependencies, and the relationship between mangrove fisheries and human well-being is scarce. Recognizing the broad range of users who depend on or benefit from mangroves is crucial to developing adaptive and inclusive management approaches that reflect the interests of all users. The highest stakes for food and nutrition security, and livelihoods, however, are associated with mangrove-dependent shellfisheries, and this should be the starting point to foster a sense of stewardship and ownership to ensure sustainable mangrove use.

Kafayat Adetoun Fakoya is an interdisciplinary researcher, consultant, and academic. She holds a PhD in fisheries from Lagos State University.
Date: March 29, 2024 (Friday)
Time: 12:00 PM UTC to 1:15 PM UTC (8:00 AM EDT to 9:15 AM EDT - Convert to your local time here)
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