Tuesday, May 25, 2021
The School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED) is pleased to recognize six new graduates of the Masters of Environmental Studies in Sustainability Management. Our research students have been working remotely due to worldwide constraints associated with the COVID-19 lockdown. The following theses were completed, orally defended and are now publicly available on the University’s thesis depository.
- Life Cycle Assessment of a Hybrid Biobased Panel for Insulated Concrete Forms Used in Residential Buildings - by Daniel Gonzales under the supervisor of Goretty Dias
- Barriers and Enablers to the Adoption of Sustainability Initiatives at the Municipal Level in Canada - by Snehaa Suryanarayanan under the supervision of Goretty Dias
- Energy Saving Behaviours of Occupants in a Multi-Tenant Zero-Carbon Office Building: The Integration of Social Influence Theory and the Energy Cultures Framework - by Tomoni Kawabata under the supervision of Paul Parker
- Gender, Social-Ecological Regime Shifts and Governance in Small-Scale Fishery Commons of Chilika Lagoon - by Samathan King under the supervision of Prateep Nayak
- Environmental and Economic Implications of Small-Scale Canadian Aquaponics: A Life Cycle Study - >by Gayathri Valappil under the supervision of Goretty Dias
- How Sustainable Fashion Brands Communicate with Online Customers in Comparison with Fast Fashion Brands - by Parnia Mehdipour under the supervision of Jennifer Lynes
Learn more about SEED's Masters in Sustainability Management.