Sustainability Management student Indi Madar Profile: XXXXX

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Headshot of Indi Madar wearing green shirt

Just completed the Impact Natural Step & Cooperators Training

Part sustainability training and part start-up accelerator

You get feedback on your business idea and then you pair up with a mentor from the local community

Best part of it is the people you meet and the network you develop

Took away the skills and advice to use youthfulness as an asset

14-18 girls we can program to explore partnering

Undergrad in International Development with a minor in communications from Ottawa U

Realized INDEV is such a broad field

In third year took a course from Joshua Ramish on Urban Food security and blew her mind

 Governance in local communities and self sufficiency

In some conversations, realized that there isn’t a lot of research funding for food security currently and being practical explored options for paid research. Looked into the Mitacs Accelerate Internships

This was a continuation of  Dr. Sean Geobey’s research on credit unions and market place lending. The research focused on the opportunities and challenges of market place lending platforms, specifically debt-based crowd funding apps. Some examples are The Lending Club, Zopa

In Canada this is emerging – there are only 3 platforms and the regulations are playing catchup as they are very strict and limit a lot of engagement.

Alterna and Meridian are working with these platforms

Institutional lenders are on the fence about the technology and smaller credit unions can’t enter the space yet

It will definitely disrupt business as usual

And the big question is what will happen to the relationship model currently embraced by credit unions?

Opportunities are

New markets for consumer demographics

Bring on new members

Under-represented population in banking

Credit union members to local business opportunities

Investments in local initiatives e.g. ice cream shop

Sept – Dec 2016 internship ½ mitacs ½ ccua/Filene

Industry report and now drafting thesis out of the research

Greenhouse pitch

Idea brewing for a year

Wellness journey – picked up habit

Reflected on why I did not do it

You don’t see racialized women in fitness, intramural activities, programs,

Where do we see these women?

Big ideas poster beside my office- see it every day

Friend from Belize who runs his own organization – what do you have brewing? – he really pushed her

Did some research and assumptions were verified

Culturally familiar programming – and not seeing your own community represented in the space

Service costs

Time – pressure on single mothers taking care of elders and children

Gender exclusive spaces that are private

Lack of awareness of these needs

Her big idea- online platform for racialized women in communities with existing services. Create a space for members to share experience or tips etc.

Stats Can projects that by 2031 3 in 10 people will belong to a racialized community

Pitch feedback was great – panelists saw it as an issue of supply and that they pushed Indi to explore the programming side of things

Change from within institutions

Be more ambitious and build from scratch

This summer job is to do market validation within the Somali community in KW

Baby boomer need is high but part of work is to determine the age group

Goal would be 6 weeks of weekly programming

Getting over insecurities of racialized women

Lack of funds/not a priority for girls to be active

Lack of representation in media/community. This will show communities

Research for Mitacs for thesis

Urban food security is still seen as main interest

If there’s interest in the Big Idea she will keep going

Open minded as to where it goes

Currently writing thesis

GSA executive team – as communications and marketing officer 10-15 hours a week

Main win for that role was to create opportunities for students with families be part of activities

Inclusive activities built with diversity – not everyone wants to socialize in a bar drinking.

Sneiders farm for the pumpkin patch