Monday, March 25, 2013
Each year, the Master of Environment and Business (MEB) Awards recognize the program's top three students in each cohort, based on their cumulative grades. These students not only earn a place in the spotlight, they also receive $2,000 towards their tuition.
This year's winners are:
2010 cohort:
- 1st - Theresa Sauren
- Tie for 2nd - Holly Wright
- Tie for 2nd - Jenifer Johnston
2011 cohort:
- 1st - Tahra Jutt
- Tie for 2nd - Brenda Stasuik
- Tie for 2nd - Barbara Turley-McIntrye
2012 cohort
- 1st - Jennifer Goodwin
- 2nd - Trisha Ready
- 3rd - Megan Poss
Congratulations to these students for their stellar performances!