Juan Moreno-Cruz

Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair

Contact Information
519-888-4567, ext. 46578
EV3 4257

Personal Page

Professor Juan Moreno-Cruz is an Associate Professor at the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development at the University of Waterloo. He is also a CESifo Research Affiliate.Prior to his current position, Moreno-Cruz was an Associate Professor in the School of Economics at the Georgia Institute of Technology (2011-2017). He has also been a Visiting Researcher in the Department of Global Ecology of the Carnegie Institution for Science at Stanford University (since 2015); an Advisor for Carnegie Energy Innovation (since 2017), and a Research Associate of Harvard Universitys Solar Geoengineering Research Program.

Professor Moreno-Cruzs research focuses on the interaction of energy systems, technological change, and climate policy. His most influential work examines how solar and carbon geoengineering technologies affect climate policy. His most recent work provides novel insights into the process of energy transitions by demonstrating how energy access shapes the organization of the economy in cities and how energy consumption in cities in turn pollutes the local and global environment.

Courses Taught

  • INDEV 606 - Energy Sustainability
  • SUSM 702 - Research Methods

Selected Publications

  • Balancing climate and development goals (2020) with Lei Duan and Ken Caldeira, Environmental Research Letters, vol 15, 124057
  • Break-even year: a concept for understanding intergenerational trade-offs in climate change mitigation policy (2020) with Patrick Brown and Ken Caldeira, Environmental Research Communications, Vol 2, no 9
  • Who Turns the Global Thermostat and by How Much? (2020) with Wilfried Rickels, Martin Quaas, Kate Ricke, Johannes Quaas and Sjak Smulders, Energy Economics
  • Food, Fuel and the Domesday Economy (2020) with M. Scott Taylor, European Economic Review, Volume 128, September 2020, 103501
  • Do Pilot and Demonstration Projects Work? Evidence from a Green Building Program (2020) with Christopher J. Blackburn Mallory E. Flowers and Daniel C. Matisoff, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
  • Modeling migration patterns in the USA under sea-level rise (2020) with Caleb Robinson and Bistra Dilkina PlosONE 15(1): e0227436
  • Climate econometric models indicate solar geoengineering would reduce inter-country income inequality (2020) with Anthony R. Harding, Katharine Ricke, Daniel Heyen, Douglas G. MacMartin Nature Communications 11, 227


  • Ph.D - Economics, University of Calgary
  • M.Sc. - Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes
  • B.Sc. - Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes