Dan Murray

Associate Professor – Teaching Stream & Undergraduate Associate Director
Dan Murray

Contact Information
EV3 4241

Dan Murray has an undergraduate degree and PhD in Environmental Planning, Dan specializes in working on large and messy problems, such as strategic planning, watershed management, policy development and evaluation. A key part of this work is engaging and working with multiple stakeholders, and having a strong background in research design, methods, and research project management.

Dan has worked in regional government, academia, non-profit organizations, and as a consultant.

Courses Taught

  • ENBUS 306
  • ENBUS 690 A/B

Selected Publications

  • Urton, D. and Murray, D. 2021. ‘Project manager’s perspectives on enhancing collaboration in multidisciplinary environmental management projects’, Project Leadership and Society. 2: 1-11.
  • de Loë, R.C. Murray, D. and Brisbois, M.C. 2016. ‘Perspectives of Natural
  • Resource Sector Firms on Collaborative Approaches to Governance for Water’, Journal of Cleaner Production. 135: 117-1128.
  • de Loë, R.C. Murray, D. Michaels, S. & Plummer, R. 2016. ‘Policy transfer among regional-level organizations: insights from source water protection in Ontario.’ Environmental Management. 58 (1): 31-47.
  • de Loë, R.C. Melnychuk, N. Murray, D. & Plummer, R. 2016. ‘Advancing the state of policy Delphi practice: a systematic review evaluating methodological evolution, innovation, and opportunities.’ Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 104: 78-88.
  • de Loë, R. Murray, D. and Simpson, H. 2015. ‘Farmer perspectives on
  • collaborative approaches to governance for water’, Journal of Rural Studies. 42:191-205.


  • PhD - Environmental Planning, Griffith University
  • BEVP - Environmental Planning, Griffith University