Cameron McCordic

Associate Professor & MDP Academic Director
Cameron McCordic headshot

Contact Information
EV3 4249

Website: Cameron McCordic's Website

Cameron is an Assistant Professor at the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development. His research interests focus on urban sustainable development and the systems that give rise to both compounding vulnerability and sustainable progress in cities. In pursuit of this research interest, he has partnered with researchers, policymakers, private industry leaders and local communities on investigations into sustainable urban development across North America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia. Cameron is currently working with SDSN Canada to develop an index of Sustainable Development Goal achievement in Canadian cities.

Courses taught

  • ENVS 178: Environmental Applications of Data Management and Statistics
  • INDEV 387: Global Cities in Global Development
  • INDEV 604: Sustainable Cities

Selected Publications

  • McCordic, C., Riley, L., & Raimundo, I. 2021. Household food security in Maputo: the role of Gendered Access to education and employment. Development Southern Africa. DOI: 10.1080/0376835X.2021.1932423.
  • McCordic, C., & Frayne, B. 2020. The Network of Household Barriers to Achieving SDG 1, 2 and 3 in Maputo, Mozambique. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2020.1848686.
  • Frayne, B., Crush, J., and McCordic, C. (Eds.) 2017. Food and nutrition security in Southern African cities. London: Routledge and Earthscan.
  • Frayne, B., and McCordic, C. 2015. Planning for food secure cities: Measuring the influence of infrastructure and income on household food security in Southern African cities. Geoforum65: 111.
  • Frayne, B., McCordic, C., and Shilomboleni., H. 2014. Growing out of poverty: Does urban agriculture contribute to household food security in Southern African cities? Urban Forum, 25(2): 177189.


  • Ph.D - Social and Ecological Sustainability, University of Waterloo
  • M.Sc. - Capacity Development and Extension, University of Guelph
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) - Psychology, McMaster University