Heather M. Hall

Associate Professor
Heather M. Hall

Contact Information
519-888-4567, ext. 47819
EV3 4263

Dr. Heather Hall is one of the leading scholars on innovation and economic development in rural and northern regions in Canada. She grew up in Northern Ontario and has a professional and personal interest in researching issues that are important to the North, including: the impacts of new technologies in the mining and agricultural sectors; the community impacts of large-scale industrial projects; and innovation and economic development policy, planning and practice in rural and northern regions. Her work has been recognized nationally and internationally, and has informed government policy in Canada, Northern Ontario, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Sweden. Dr. Hall is also the co-lead of the University of the Arctic’s Thematic Network on the Commercialization of Science and Technology for the North.

Courses taught

  • ENBUS 203: Green Entrepreneurship
  • ECDEV 604: Management and policy tools for economic development and sustainability professionals
  • ECDEV 605: Innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable business development

Selected publications

  • Winsor, B. and Hall, H.M. 2018. Time in the Triple Helix: A Foundation for Innovation. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 19(2): 152-166.
  • Storey, K. and Hall, H.M. 2018. Dependence at a distance: The new single-industry community and the implications for policy. The Canadian Geographer, 62(2): 225-237.
  • Hodge, G., Hall, H.M., and Robinson, I.M. 2017. Planning Canadian Regions 2nd Edition. Vancouver: UBC Press.
  • Hall, H.M. 2017. Exploring Innovation in Northern Canada with Insights from Greater Sudbury. The Northern Review, 45: 33-56
  • Hall, H.M., Vodden, K, and Greenwood, R. 2017. From Dysfunctional to Destitute: The Governance of Regional Economic Development in Newfoundland and Labrador. International Planning Studies, 22(2): 49-67.


  • Ph.D - Geography, Queen's University
  • M.A. - Planning, University of Waterloo
  • B.A. - Geography, Laurentian University