Jason Thistlethwaite

Associate Professor & Associate Director, Graduate Studies
Jason Thistlethwaite Headshot

Contact Information
EV3 4267

Personal Page

Jason Thistlethwaite is a Professor for the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development. His research focuses on innovative strategies designed to reduce the economic impacts of extreme weather and climate change. He explores the role of insurance and government risk-transfer in promoting climate change adaptation and reducing economic vulnerability. To inform this work, he has worked directly with business and government leaders in the insurance, banking, real estate, building, and investment industries. Jason is also a frequent speaker, media contributor on Canadas growing vulnerability to extreme weather, and a self-described weather geek. Jasons research interests are focused on assessing the economic effects of climate change, natural disasters and extreme weather. With a specific interest in measuring local costs of extreme weather, and the viability of property insurance and disaster assistance as a means of reducing vulnerability in the era of climate change.

Courses Taught

  • ENBUS 408: Best Practices in Environmental Regulation
  • ENBUS 410: Introduction to Sustainability Management
  • SUSM 601: Stakeholder Engagement

Selected Publications

  • Thistlethwaite Jason (forthcoming). “Professional Accounting and Environmental Governance” in Lasse Folk Henriksen and Leonard Seabrooke, eds. Professional Networks in Transnational Governance. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming 2016).
  • Thistlethwaite, Jason and Paterson, Matthew. 2015. Private governance and accounting for sustainability networks. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 0 (0) 1-25.
  • Thistlethwaite, Jason. 2015. The Politics of Sustainability Accounting (CDSB). Environmental Politics 24 (6): 970-991.
  • Thistlethwaite, Jason. The Challenges of Counting Climate Change Risks in Financial Markets. CIGI Policy Brief No. 62. June 2015
  • Thistlethwaite, Jason. Canada’s Coming Property Insurance Crisis. CIGI Policy Brief No. 57. March 2015


  • Ph.D. - Global Governance, University of Waterloo
  • M.A. Political Science, Western Univeristy
  • B.A. - Political Science, Western University