PhD Student
Supervisors: Simron Singh and Prateep Nayak
Research Interests:
- Small-scale fisheries governance
- Markets access for small-scale fisheries and their value chain
- Vulnerability and viability of small-scale fisheries
- Transboundary fishery management
- Conservation and sustainability of marine fisheries resources
- Parlee, C.E., Foley, P., Gómez, M.A.L., Miah, M.R., Mather, C., Stephenson, R. L. (2021). Full spectrum sustainability and a theory of access: Integrating social benefits into fisheries governance. Marine Policy, 134:104764.
- Miah, M.R., Islam, M.M. (2020). Defending fishing space: Conflicts and marginalization of small-scale fisheries in the Saint Martin’s Island of Bangladesh. In: Kerezi, V., Pietruszka, D.K., & Chuenpagdee, R. (Eds.) Blue Justice For Small-Scale Fisheries: A Global Scan. TBTI Global Publication Series, St. John's, NL, Canada.
- Miah, M. R. (2020). Small-Scale Fisheries and Ocean Sustainability: A reflection on “Small is Bountiful” virtual event. Ocean Frontier Institute, Canada.
- Meh Ndum, A., Brito, B., Monefa, M., Jaia, P. S., Miah, M. R., Leis, M., & Eyng, V. (2020). Fish chain interrupted: How COVID-19 affects markets and trades. Ocean Frontier Institute, Canada.
- Miah, M. R. (2019). TBTI in Bangladesh: 2019 ICSF and the TD training program. Too Big To Ignore, St. John’s, NL, Canada.