PhD Student
Supervisors: Amelia Clarke, Sean Geobey and Olaf Weber
LinkedIn: Maryam Mohiuddin Ahmed's LinkedIn
Twitter: @Maryam_M_Ahmed
Research Interests:
- Social Innovation
- Post-colonial Studies
- International Development
- Higher Education
- Indigenous Studies
- Comparative Theology
- Participatory Action Research

- Impact Investment Landscape of Pakistan; with A. Shirazi, N. S. Ahmed, Z. Zuberi & K. Tariq, internal report to UNDP Pakistan, Islamabad, 2019
- Beyond the Buzz: A Deep Dive into Pakistan’s Startup Ecosystem; with F. Anwar, N. S. Ahmed, O. Sheikh, Vantage, Lahore, 2018.
- State of Social Enterprise in Pakistan; with A. Khalid, A. Lynch, E. Darko, British Council, London, 2016.
- Roadblocks & Detours: A review of the barriers and opportunities associated with the adoption and scale-up of Education Innovations in Pakistan; with A. Khalid, S. Idrees, F. Awan and others, Internal report to Ilm Ideas 2 – a project of DFID- UKAID, Lahore, 2015
- Case study: Gulmit Carpet Centre with A. Khalid, F. Awan, S. Idrees and U. Ashfaq, internal report to Aga Khan Rural Support Program, Islamabad, 2015.
- Handbook for Social Enterprise in Pakistan; Editor, L.P. Publishers, Karachi, 2012.
- Sacred Waters: On the Rights of the Indigenous in Current-day Pakistan, Literaty Pakistan Magazine, Vol. 1, Issue 2, October 2012.