PhD Student
Supervisor: Olaf Weber
Twitter: @vasu8694
Research Interests
- Climate and sustainable finance, with a focus on the green bond market
- Climate policy and regulations related to sustainable finance
- Low-carbon transition pathways for developed and emerging economies
- Data challenges and behavior change incentives
- Governance and institutions in the green economy

- Saravade, V., Weber, O. (2020). An Institutional Pressure and Adaptive Capacity Framework for Green Bonds: Insights from India’s Emerging Green Bond Market. World.
- Monahan, K., Zvan, B., Saravade, V., Stewart, C., Dafoe, J. (2020). Bridging the Transparency Gap in Sustainable Finance: Advancing the Business Case for the Canadian Centre for Climate Information and Analytics. Smart Prosperity Institute & Insurance Bureau of Canada.
- Weber, O. & Saravade, V. (2020). Sustainable Energy through Green Bonds in India. Centre for International Governance and Innovation, Canada-India Track 1.5 Dialogue Paper No. 8. Waterloo, ON: Centre for International Governance and Innovation.
- Saravade, V. & Thistlethwaite, J. (2019). Insurance in a changing climate: Clarifying the sector’s role in supporting sustainable behaviour. [Overview Brief]. The Co-Operators & Smart Prosperity Institute. Ottawa, ON.
- Weber, O. & Saravade, V. (2019). Green Bonds: Current Development and Their Future. Centre for International Governance and Innovation, CIGI Paper No. 210. Waterloo, ON: Centre for International Governance and Innovation.
- Weber, O., Dordi, T., & Saravade, V. (2019). Strategies for Integrating the Canadian Financial Sector into Financing the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy. Centre for International Governance and Innovation, CIGI Paper No. 217. Waterloo, ON: Centre for International Governance and Innovation.
- McSparren, J., Besada, H., & Saravade, V. (2017). Qatar’s Global Investment Strategy for Diversification and Security in the Post-Financial Crisis Era. Centre on Governance. Research Paper No. 02/17/EN. ISBN: 978-0-9949034-7-1.