Becoming Comfortable with Uncertainty
As a student in the Fellowship Program, my future is so clear that I can see it from 100 miles away. Did I get you? Did you believe that?
Okay I didn’t think so. The future is always filled with uncertainty and unanswered questions, but that’s the exciting part of the journey! I don’t have a clear outline for my future career, but this unknown gives me the freedom to seize any opportunities that come my way.

Although my future may be uncertain right now, I’ve learned that if I’m willing to leave my comfort zone and try new things, I can leverage the experience I gain to learn about my passions. I’ve discovered through my Honouree that learning and growing never stops, and this means that uncertainty will continue to be prominent in my future. Everybody has different experiences on their career paths, and the Fellowship Program has allowed me to meet amazing people to learn from. Talking to various alumni has shown me that there is no single path to success. Although the future is uncertain, the Fellowship Program has allowed me to learn from other people who have been in the same position as I’m in now.
Nothing is ever set-in stone, and my Honoree’s long list of achievements shows how learning and growing never stops. I can’t see my future from 100 miles away, but I can begin building a pathway by seizing opportunities, building relationships, and learning from others.