Hello, I’m Nicholas B. and I’m in my 1A term of the Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) program at Waterloo. Accounting and finance found its way into my life in high school, where I was fortunate enough to have an accounting course offered to me. Accounting doesn’t run in my family, so it was an all-new and exciting adventure into the unknown. Not growing up with accountants meant that I had a lot to learn, and a lot of questions to ask to gain that knowledge.

I also had the opportunity to talk to individuals who have accumulated an immense amount of experience and knowledge through the Fellowship Program, which was rewarding for me. I couldn’t ask for a better introduction to forensic accounting than getting to talk with retired professionals with the expertise in my field. I had the opportunity to hear their stories, their decisions, and their advice which has been invaluable in helping my understanding of the accounting and finance world and where I feel I fit in. Having the opportunity to ask any questions or follow up on any of their stories also greatly furthered my understanding.
The Fellowship Program surrounds you with people who have incredible and successful careers. I am extremely grateful to be able to connect with alumni I have come to admire. Reflecting on the lessons and stories I extract from the speakers' experiences never fails to get me pumped up. Their success gives me a reason to stay motivated even when I feel like giving up, and they broadened my love for this career path.
More than anything, I’m grateful for the spark of excitement the Fellowship Program lit in me, giving me the fire to explore and develop experiences of my own. I felt nervous and unsure when starting university in September, but the Fellowship Program has given my studies a purpose and has made me excited to learn and apply my knowledge during my co-op terms.