Sharing what the team has been up to in preparing for the International Study Course trip to Singapore.

Only a couple of weeks ago, the itinerary for the International Study Course trip to Singapore was completely empty. Now, with the marketing and culture team finding the best places to visit, the logistics team figuring out travel, and our corporate relations team setting up meetings, the trip is looking jam-packed!
Since our last update, our team has contacted a large number of individuals through our own network, LinkedIn, and cold-emailing to varying levels of success. There have been firms that were super eager to host our class for the meetings and some that required more information through follow-on meetings where we had the opportunity to share more about the trip.
With the nature of cold-emailing, there were also many companies that did not respond. Regardless, with the help of professor Steve Balaban and SAF’s alumni development officer Victoria Hinde, Waterloo’s strong alumni network was beneficial in helping us set up meetings. For example, members of our team would be cc’d on emails to the University of Waterloo alumni and they would help coordinate the nature of the meetings, time, place, and more.
In addition to setting up meetings on our own, we also collaborated with Steve to leverage his network. Once Steve initiated contact with the respective dignitaries we would like to meet, he would loop us in on the emails so that we could further coordinate with them and finalize details regarding the timing of our meetings. This was a good way to get firsthand exposure to the professionals we will be meeting with while also ensuring we stay actively involved in the planning process!
In preparation for our upcoming meetings with the companies we reached out to, each member of the study trip will be responsible for one company. We will all be tasked with doing our research to debrief the class on the company as well as set up questions and topics to talk about during the meeting. This will be a great chance for us to personally connect with these different firms and establish rapport.
In conclusion, the Singapore trip has gone from an empty itinerary to a jam-packed schedule thanks to the hard work and dedication of the class. Our team's efforts in contacting individuals through our own network, LinkedIn, and cold-emailing have resulted in a range of successful planned meetings. With the assistance of Waterloo's alumni network and the coordinated efforts of the student team, the trip has become a valuable opportunity for us to learn more about the business and culture of Singapore.
Check out their Introduction Blog!