Why I fell in love with CFM 101
Introduction to Financial Markets and Data Analytics – CFM 101 was my favourite course this term and it’s exactly why I chose Computing Financial Management (CFM) for my undergraduate studies.
Introduction to Financial Markets and Data Analytics – CFM 101 was my favourite course this term and it’s exactly why I chose Computing Financial Management (CFM) for my undergraduate studies.
Hi, I’m Alex, and I am a student in the Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) program at the University of Waterloo. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, working on financial models, and walking my 10-year-old Bichon-Shih Tzu Ozzy (who can be seen in the photo below, proudly sporting his Waterloo bandana).
As I come close to entering my final year at the University of Waterloo, I reflect and realize that there are many things I have learned not only about accounting and finance, but myself.
Hello, I’m Sarah, a second-year student in the Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) program at the University of Waterloo! First year was quite the experience due to the COVID-19 pandemic, nonetheless it was so much fun! If I could go back and give my first-year self some advice, here’s what I would say:
Hi! My name is Aline, and I am a second-year student in the Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) program.
I still remember being extremely excited but at the same time extremely nervous for my first year of university. Before classes started, I set up my account on the school’s website and found out about Waterloo Ready.
Reaching top three and learning from others along the way
Hello UWaterloo Community!
We are Evelyn (bottom left), Joanne (top left), Philbert (bottom right), and Ceanna (top right), and we competed in the STRIVE National Case Competition in the upper-year student level and we emerged with a first place win!