Corporate news and institutional trading

Friday, January 29, 2021

RESEARCH PAPER: Institutional Trading around Corporate News: Evidence from Textual Analysis


Image of Alan Huang

Alan Guoming Huang, SAF, University of Waterloo (pictured)

Hongping Tan, McGill University

Russ Wermers, University of Maryland


We examine institutional trading surrounding corporate news by combining a comprehensive database of newswire releases on U.S. firms with a high-frequency database of institutional trades. To identify the ability of institutions to predict or quickly interpret news, we form “news clusters” of related news about a particular firm that occurs in rapid succession. We find that institutions chiefly trade on the tone of news directly after the earliest news release in a cluster, and such news-motivated trading predicts returns over the following weeks. Our results suggest that institutional investors contribute to price efficiency through the speedy interpretation of public information.

Read the full research paper online.