The last 18 months have been challenging to say the least, for individuals as much as it has been for organizations and businesses. By December 2020, Canada and much of the world were optimistic that communities and businesses would be transitioning back to some semblance of a pre-pandemic environment come 2021. In anticipation of a return to normalcy, the SAF launched a weekly alumni story series to celebrate and acknowledge our alums for their leadership in pivoting their teams and organizations through and beyond the pandemic.
Reflecting on this past year, the stories we’ve told of the successes of our alums have not only celebrated their leadership, adaptability, and courage, but the stories have also served as inspiration and benchmarks for the resiliency of human nature and what can be done when you’re given the right tools, opportunities, and education to meet and surpass uncertainties and challenges head-on.
I invite you to peruse the SAF Alumni Story Series to find insight and your inspiration to make a positive impact, regardless of how small or big, for yourself, your team, and your organization.
Patty Mah
Associate Director, Communications & External Relations
For the week of November 28th, we’re revisiting the entrepreneurial alums with which we’ve had the pleasure of sharing their stories. In this round-up are stories of a beer mogul, a start-up instigator, a tech start-up magnate, visionaries of education, and a Dragon’s Den pitch winner.
The common dominators of these stories have been how each alum has successfully leveraged their SAF education to see and seize opportunities to take a calculated risk to start their own ventures and journeys beyond the accounting and finance fields.
If you’re an entrepreneurial visionary, mogul, or instigator, I invite you to connect with the SAF so that we can share your unique story of success.