Teaching and Learning Tax

Notes on Tax Education

This section is where we will put short “articles” on a topic specifically related to tax education.  If you have such a note that you would like us to consider including in this section please forward it to Deborah Kraft.  We are looking for items on effective teaching of a particular tax topic, the development of a specific tax skill or a pedagogical issue.
Whether you teach tax at a university, a college, in a professional program or at work it doesn’t matter; we would like to hear your ideas so everyone can benefit from your insights.

Identifying Tax Issues (PDF)

Tax and Hockey (PDF)

Links to Sites of Interest

The following links are to specific web sites that can be related to teaching and learning.  If you have found other web sites to be valuable to you please let us know so we can include them here as well.  Send your suggestions to Deborah Kraft.

UWaterloo Centre for Teaching Excellence – Resources

Threshold Concepts

Decoding the Disciplines website

Bloom’s Taxonomy description