Associate Professor, Managerial Accounting; Deputy Director Research
Contact information

Office: HH 383G
Research interests
Managerial performance evaluation, corporate board structures, organization designs and information disclosure.
Education and certifications
- Ph.D (University of Florida)
- Master of Science (University of Nevada, Reno)
- Bachelor of Arts (Renmin University of China)
Selected publications
- Florin Sabac and Jie Joyce Tian, Forthcoming, Unintentional Bias and Managerial Reporting. Journal of Management Accounting Research.
- Xiaojing Meng and Jie Joyce Tian (2020), Board Expertise and Executive Incentives, Management Science 66 (11): 5448-5464.
- Florin Şabac and Jie Joyce Tian (2015), On the Stewardship Value of Soft Managerial Reports. The Accounting Review 90(4): 1683-1706.
- Jie Joyce Tian (2014), Board Monitoring and Endogenous Information Asymmetry. Contemporary Accounting Research 31(1): 136-151.
- Peter Christensen, Florin Sabac and Jie Joyce Tian (2010), Ranking Performance Measures in Multi-task Agencies, the Accounting Review 85(5): 1545-1575.
- Jie Joyce Tian and George C.J. Fernandez (1999), Seasonal trend analysis of monthly water quality data”, Western Users of SAS Software, Log Angeles.
Courses Taught
- ACC784 - PhD Seminar: Analytical Accounting Research
- AFM481/AFM382 - Cost Management Systems
- AFM102 – Introduction to Managerial Accounting
- ACCTG 322 – Introduction to Managerial Accounting
- ACCTG 523 – Accounting Information and Internal Decision making (MBA Program)
- Managerial Accounting (Master of Accounting Program)
- SSHRC-Standard Research Grant (as Principal Investigator), 2011-2014, $56,888