SOBDR Conference

School of Accounting and Finance building


The Southern Ontario Behavioural Decision Research (SOBDR) Conference brings together researchers and academics with an interest in the study of how people make judgments and decisions. SOBDR 2019 will be hosted by the School of Accounting and Finance at the University of Waterloo on Friday May 3.

The one-day event will feature speakers and presentations of select research from a variety of disciplines including Psychology, Economics, Accounting and Finance, Organizational Behaviour, Management, and Marketing. There are no fees to attend this conference.

Previous SOBDR conferences.


UW, Hagey Hall map

University of Waterloo, School of Accounting and Finance, Hagey Hall, Rm 1101
200 University Ave West, Waterloo

Parking available at Lot C ($5)

For those wishing to stay over Thurs/Fri, the closest hotel is the Delta Waterloo.

Keynote Speaker 

Joann Peck
Joann Peck is an Associate Professor in the marketing department at the Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan, her MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and her PhD from the University of Minnesota. Broadly, her research delves into the psychology around consumer behavior. She has a research focus is on haptics (the sense of touch) including product touch and specifically, the individual differences in motivation to touch, product category differences and situations that either encouraged or discouraged pre-purchase touch by consumers. A few of her most recent projects focus on interpersonal touch and examine comfort with both initiating and receiving touch. Professor Peck also has an interest in studying psychological ownership and the effects on behavior. In a recent paper, she examines ways to increase the feeling of ownership which results in better care given to taking care of a shared resource. Her research has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the Journal of Business Research, and the Journal of Retailing. Peck’s research has been cited in Forbes, U.S. News and World Report,, the Canadian Broadcast Company and others.

Call for Papers

Submissions, from either faculty or graduate students, can be for talks or for posters. If you submit a talk please indicate if you would like to do a poster version if it is not accepted as a talk. Please include in your submission (a) the title; (b) a list of authors and affiliations; (c) a brief (100 word maximum) abstract for inclusion in the conference program; and (d) a longer (750 word maximum) abstract for review by the program committee.

Please email your submission to Adam Presslee at The deadline for submission is Friday, February 22, 2019.

The program committee will make final decisions, and the conference itinerary will be posted, in mid-March.

For general questions about the conference please email Adam Presslee at We look forward to your submissions and to seeing you at the conference!

Please forward this call for papers to anyone who might be interested. The conference website should be up shortly.

Thanks from the SOBDR Program Committee:

Adam Presslee (Waterloo)
Julian House (Ontario Behavioural Insights Unit)
Derek Koehler (Waterloo)
Nicole Robitaille (Queen's)
Claire Tsai (U of Toronto)
