Program Outlines

Science and Business

Science and Business is interdisciplinary, and designed to produce a pool of multifaceted graduates equipped with a unique blend of knowledge in science technology and business, as well as information technology, creative problem solving and decision making skills. It is designed to prepare students to compete and prosper in the current technology-intensive global market place.

The following checklist provides students with a term by term outline of what courses they need to take and when they have openings for electives.

The Science and Business plans can be taken in the regular system of study. Please consult with the Program Advisor regarding course sequencing.

Students must maintain a cumulative overall average of 65% in both Science and non-Science courses in order to be eligible to continue. You can only have a maximum of 2.0 failed units (4 courses). For more information please see the undergraduate calendar.

Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy schedule

Below is a schedule outlining the recommended term-by-term sequence of courses

  • Entering 2024 outline
  • Entering 2023 outline
  • Entering 2022 outline
  • Entering 2021 outline
  • Entering 2020 outline

To remain eligible to continue in the Academic Plan, students must have a cumulative overall average of at least 70%, a cumulative average of 70% in Accounting courses and a cumulative average of 65% in Science courses.