1. A summary of recruiting efforts, with specific reference to:
- a statement of the time period during which advertisements appeared
- a statement of, reference to relevant UW websites
- a description of specific efforts made to recruit applications from the under-represented gender
- a statement on any potential conflict of interest
2. A description of the selection procedure, with specific reference to:
- the process (e.g., appointment, open meeting, secret ballot) by which the DACA/SACA was constituted
- the names of members of the DACA/SACA
- the number of candidates who were considered for the position
- the names of the candidates who were short-listed or interviewed
- the nature of the interviews (e.g., seminar presentation, undergraduate lecture, discussions with Committee and/or faculty members)
- an indication of what consultation took place with department/school members (their awareness of the process, opportunity to comment, etc.), comments from DACA/SACA members and others on any seminars and interviews of the successful applicant and of the runners-up (copies of actual comments may be included, if desired)
3. Signatures of all DACA/SACA members (not required if copies of their actual comments have been included)
4. An explanation of the ranking of the candidates, with specific reference to:
- the names of the successful applicant and the two runners-up
- the relative strengths of the top three candidates, and statement of how the proposed appointment fits within the aims and current composition of the department/school
- other reasons, if any, for the recommendation of the DACA/SACA
- the best applicant of the opposite gender (name, relative strengths, CV and related materials), if all three candidates are of the same gender
- department/school strategy if the successful applicant declines (intention to proceed to runners up? plans to readvertise?)
5. ATTACHMENTS: Documentation should include:
- Copies of all advertisements for the position as they appeared in journals, CAUT Bulletin, etc. (Authorizations for advertisements should not be included.)
- Written documentation (CV, letter of application) for each of the top three candidates for the position.
- Three letters of reference for candidates who were interviewed.
- CV and related materials for the best candidate of the opposite gender if all three candidates are of the same gender.
Note: UARC would prefer to receive files of all ranked interviewees, regardless of their number; this is seen to be especially valuable when the successful applicant declines, since it may well avoid a further submission to UARC.