Senate Bylaw 7

A bylaw relating to the procedure for creating new bylaws or amending existing bylaws of Senate of the University of Waterloo.

BE IT ENACTED as a bylaw of Senate of the University of Waterloo, as follows:


  1. The passage of a new bylaw or amendment(s) to an existing bylaw is accomplished in two readings by Senate. At the first reading, such discussion as is deemed appropriate by Senate shall take place. At the second reading, further discussion may take place and the vote on the document shall be taken. The two readings shall take place at different, but not necessarily consecutive, meetings of the Senate.
  2. No proposed bylaw or amendment(s) will be given first reading unless it has been bound into or accompanies the agenda portfolio distributed in advance of the meeting.
  3. Proposed bylaw or amendment(s) shall include the proposed wording of the bylaw or amendment(s), and where appropriate, a summary of the reasons for such bylaw or amendment(s).
  4. In order to be approved by Senate, any new bylaw or amendment(s) to bylaws must receive the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members of Senate present and voting at the meeting.

Amended by Senate in two readings, September and October 1975.
Amended by Senate in two readings, November 2013 and January 2014.