Senate Bylaw 2

A bylaw to establish Committees and Councils of Senate of the University of Waterloo.

BE IT ENACTED as a bylaw of Senate of the University of Waterloo, as follows:

1. Executive Committee

1.01 There shall be a standing committee of Senate called the Executive Committee.
1.02 Executive Committee Membership

The membership of this committee shall consist of the following:

  1. Ex Officio
  1. The president of the university, who shall chair this committee.
  2. The vice-president, academic & provost.
  3. The associate vice-president, graduate studies and postdoctoral affairs.
  4. The president of the Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo.
  1. Elected
  1. One faculty member of Senate from each faculty of the university.
  2. Three members from the student members of Senate, at least one of whom shall be an undergraduate student and at least one of whom shall be a graduate student.
  3. One member of Senate from among the community-at-large members of the Board of Governors.
  4. One faculty member of Senate from the affiliated and federated institutions of Waterloo.
  5. One member from among the alumni members of Senate.
1.03 The term of office of members elected pursuant to paragraph 1.02.b shall be one year. Each member is eligible for re-election.
1.04 Powers and duties of Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall have the following powers and duties:
  1. To request special meetings of Senate, in accordance with Senate Bylaw 1.
  2. On those occasions when the agenda does not, in the estimation of the Executive Committee, warrant a meeting of Senate, to cancel any such meeting of Senate, and to exercise the powers of Senate, within the limits of The University of Waterloo Act, 1972, on all matters considered by the Executive Committee in its discretion to be of sufficient urgency that they must be decided prior to the next regular meeting of Senate, provided that the Executive Committee shall have no power under any circumstances to repeal, amend or modify Senate bylaws, or to exercise Senate's responsibilities under Policies 45, 48, 50 and 68. All such actions are to be reported to Senate.
  3. To prepare the agenda for all regular and special meetings of Senate.
  4. To receive and review reports from the deans of the university prior to their submission to Senate at each regular meeting.
  5. To present to Senate, normally at the last regular meeting in the academic year in April, a list of nominations for the committees and councils of Senate.
  6. To make recommendations to Senate as may be necessary from time to time regarding the establishment of ad hoc committees of Senate, such recommendations to include the terms of reference of any such committee and a list of nominations for the membership thereof.
  7. To receive and review the reports and recommendations of all committees and councils, prior to their presentation to Senate and to make at its discretion recommendations to Senate thereon.
  8. To act on behalf of Senate on such matters as Senate may from time to time designate.
  9. To report to Senate, as expeditiously as possible, with respect to the conduct of such matters as shall be delegated by Senate to the committee from time to time.
1.05 Meetings of the Executive Committee
The committee shall normally hold ten (10) regular meetings during each academic year, each such meeting to be held approximately two weeks prior to the date of each general meeting of Senate. Special meetings of the committee shall be called by the chair of the committee.

2. Finance Committee

2.01 There shall be a standing committee of Senate called the Finance Committee.
2.02 Finance Committee Membership

The membership of this committee shall consist of the following:

  1. Ex Officio
  1. The president of the university, who shall chair this committee.
  2. The vice-president, academic & provost.
  3. The vice-president, administration & finance.
  4. The vice-president, research and international.
  5. The associate vice-president, graduate studies and postdoctoral affairs.
  6. The deputy provost, integrated planning and budgeting.
  7. The dean of each faculty.
  1. Elected
  1. One member from the community-at-large members of the Board of Governors.
  2. One elected faculty member of Senate from each faculty and one faculty member of Senate from the affiliated and federated institutions of Waterloo.
  3. Three members from the elected student members of Senate, at least one of whom shall be an undergraduate student and at least one of whom shall be a graduate student.
  4. One member from among the alumni members of Senate.
2.03 The term of office of members elected pursuant to paragraph 2.02.b shall be one year. Each member is eligible for re-election.

Powers and Duties of Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall have the following powers and duties:

  1. To consider, study, and review all matters pertaining to the financial operations of the university and to make recommendations to Senate thereon.
  2. To consider, study, and review the general policies governing the internal allocation of the university's financial resources and to make recommendations to Senate thereon.
  3. To receive each year from the vice-president, academic & provost, for consideration, study, and review, on behalf of Senate, a detailed operating budget for the university and to make recommendations to Senate thereon.

3. Long Range Planning Committee

3.01 There shall be a standing committee of Senate called the Long Range Planning Committee.
3.02 Long Range Planning Committee Membership

The membership of this committee shall consist of the following:

  1. Ex Officio
  1. The president of the university.
  2. The vice-president, academic & provost, who shall chair this committee.
  3. The vice-president, administration & finance.
  4. The vice-president, research and international.
  5. The associate vice-president, graduate studies and postdoctoral affairs.
  6. The deputy provost, integrated planning and budgeting.
  7. The dean of each faculty.
  1. Elected
  1. One elected faculty member of Senate from each faculty and one faculty member of Senate from the affiliated and federated institutions of Waterloo.
  2. One member from the Board of Directors of the Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo.
  3. Three members of Senate from the elected student members, at least one of whom shall be an undergraduate student and at least one of whom shall be a graduate student.
  4. One member of Senate from the community-at-large members of the Board of Governors.
  5. One member from among the alumni members of Senate.
3.03 The term of office of members elected pursuant to paragraph 3.02.b shall be one year. Each member is eligible for re-election.

Powers and duties of Long Range Planning Committee
The Long Range Planning Committee shall have the following powers and duties:

  1. To make recommendations to Senate in all matters pertaining to the co-ordination of the planning of the academic, physical, and operational development of the university and the achievement of a planned rate and scope of such development.
  2. To receive from the president, for consideration, study and review, on behalf of Senate, plans for the development of the university and to make recommendations to Senate thereon.
  3. To undertake such studies as Senate may designate from time to time.
  4. To report to Senate, as expeditiously as possible, with respect to the conduct of such matters as shall be delegated by Senate to the committee from time to time.

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4. Graduate & Research Council

4.01 There shall be a council of the university, appointed by and responsible to Senate, called the Graduate & Research Council.
4.02 Graduate & Research Council Membership

The membership of this council shall consist of the following:

  1. Ex Officio
  1. The president of the university.
  2. The vice-president, academic & provost.
  3. The vice-president, research and international, who shall co-chair this council.
  4. The associate vice-president, graduate studies and postdoctoral affairs, who shall co-chair this council.
  5. An assistant vice-president, graduate studies and postdoctoral affairs appointed on the recommedation of the associate vice-president, graduate studies and postdoctoral affairs
  6. The associate vice-president, interdisciplinary research.
  7. The associate vice-president, research oversight and analysis
  8. The associate dean for graduate studies from each Faculty
  9. The associate dean for research from each Faculty
  10. The director of research ethics
  11. The director, research partnerships
  12. The director, graduate academic services
  13. The university librarian or designate
  14. The president of the Graduate Student Association

Elected / Appointed

  1. One faculty member from the affiliated and federated institutions of Waterloo, who shall serve for a term of two years
  2. One graduate student from each faculty, each of whom shall serve for a term of two years.

Powers and Duties of the Graduate & Research Council
The Graduate & Research Council shall consider all questions relating to the academic quality of graduate studies and research activity within the university and, without intending to restrict the generality of the foregoing, the Graduate & Research Council shall,

  1. Make recommendations to Senate with respect to the governance, direction and management of, or any changes in rules, regulations or policies for graduate studies and research in the university.
  2. Advise the vice-president, academic & provost on all matters relating to graduate studies and research.
  3. Receive, consider, study and review briefs on any aspect of graduate studies and research from members of the university.
  4. Make recommendations to Senate with respect to any financial matter pertaining to graduate studies and research.
  5. Consider, study and review all proposals for new graduate programs, the deletion of graduate programs, major changes to existing graduate programs, arrange for internal appraisals as the council shall see fit, and make recommendations to Senate thereon.
  6. On behalf of Senate, consider and approve all new graduate courses, the deletion of graduate courses, and proposed minor changes to existing graduate courses and programs, and provide Senate with a brief summary of council's deliberations in this regard. Any matter of controversy that might arise may be referred to Senate.
  7. Consider, study and review all proposals for new centres and institutes, and the closure of centres and institutes, and make recommendations to Senate thereon.
  8. On behalf of Senate, consider and approve renewals for centres and institutes, and report such renewals to Senate for information. Any matter of controversy that might arise may be referred to Senate.
  9. On behalf of Senate, consider and approve all new graduate scholarships and awards. Any matter of controversy that might arise may be referred to Senate.

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5. Undergraduate Council

5.01 There shall be a council of the university, appointed by and responsible to Senate, called the Undergraduate Council.
5.02 Undergraduate Council Membership

The membership of this council shall consist of the following:

  1. Ex Officio
  1. The president of the university.
  2. The vice-president, academic & provost.
  3. The associate vice-president, academic, who shall co-chair this council.
  4. The dean of the federated university.
  5. The associate dean for undergraduate studies for each faculty.
  6. The registrar of the university.
  7. The university librarian, or delegate.
  8. The vice-president (education) or equivalent from the Undergraduate Student Association of each faculty of the university.
  1. Elected / Appointed
  1. One member of the faculty from each faculty of the university which offers undergraduate programs, each of whom shall serve for a term of two years.
  2. One member of faculty from the federated university, who shall serve for a term of two years.
  3. One member of faculty from the affiliated university colleges, who shall serve for a term of two years.
  4. A director appointed from Co-operative Education & Career Action.
  5. An executive member appointed from the Federation of Students.

Powers and Duties of the Undergraduate Council
The Undergraduate Council shall consider all questions relating to the academic quality of undergraduate studies within the university and, without intending to restrict the generality of the foregoing, the Undergraduate Council shall,

  1. Make recommendations to Senate with respect to rules and regulations for the governance, direction and management of undergraduate studies in the university.
  2. Make recommendations to Senate with respect to new undergraduate programs/plans, the deletion of undergraduate programs/plans, and major changes to undergraduate programs/plans.
  3. On behalf of Senate, consider and approve all new undergraduate courses, the deletion of undergraduate courses, and proposed changes to existing undergraduate courses and minor changes to programs and/or plans, and provide Senate with a summary of council's deliberations in this regard. Any matter of controversy that might arise may be referred to Senate.
  4. Advise the vice-president, academic & provost on all matters relating to undergraduate studies.
  5. Consider, study and review briefs on any aspect of undergraduate studies from members of the university.

Amended/consolidated from Bylaws 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9 in two readings, September and October 2014.
Amended by Senate in two readings, November 2017 and January 2018.
Amended by Senate in two readings, May 2019 and June 2019.

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