Candidate Statements - Faculty at-large

Hans De Sterck

Applied Mathematics

As a faculty member with cross-university experience as graduate chair, centre director and department chair, with your support I will represent your voice in Senate. I care deeply about defending and upholding key institutional values such as academic freedom, collegial governance, and human rights. The University faces many challenges that include unfair provincial funding policies and questions on how we deal with ethical and student recruitment challenges in a complex world. I am convinced that together as a University we can overcome these challenges and in my role on Senate I will do all I can to help with this.

Kevin Hare

Pure Math

I am a Professor in the Pure Mathematics department. I have served in many administrative capacities in the past, include Senate, Associate Dean Operations & Academics for the Faculty of Mathematics, member of the FAUW AFT committee, as well as Interim Dean of Math during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. I feel that I have valuable experience to bring to Senate, and I wish to serve in this capacity.

Marc Hurwitz

Conrad School of Entrepreneurship & Business

Senate provides academic governance for the university community. While each faculty has representatives, at-large members can provide an additional cross-disciplinary perspective and voice. With graduate degrees in Science, Mathematics, Business, and Arts, I work in the Faculty of Engineering teaching undergraduates and graduates from across the university and have experience working on significant projects with United College, Environment, and Health. I am a teaching stream faculty member with research interests in leadership, followership, and creativity. I’ve spent nine years as the teaching champion for my department and was associate director of undergraduate and graduate programs for seven years.

Pendar Mahmoudi

Chemical Engineering

As a member of the teaching stream faculty in the department of Engineering, I have a vested interest in academic policies that govern a lot of our day to day dealings with students as well as their experience in the institution. My current roles as a member of the Teaching Stream Faculty Members committee (previous Lecturer's Committee) and an advisor for first-year students has provided me with unique insight on the academic issues for both faculties and students alike. I hope to assist with the decision making process for academic regulations as a member of Senate.

Gerald Voorhees

Communication Arts

This is a challenging moment for UW. Both external economic, political, and social pressures and internal financial, institutional, and disciplinary practices threaten our core mission to pursue learning through scholarship and teaching. My perspective and experience – as a leader in interdisciplinary organizations; an accomplished scholar in the critical, humanistic study of technology; and a racialized, disabled person – are well suited for this moment. As Chair of the Department of Communication Arts, past President of the Canadian Game Studies Association, and in leadership roles at the UW Games Institute, I enjoy good working relationships with colleagues across the sciences and humanities.

Nancy Worth

Geography & Environmental Management

I’m an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography & Environmental Management. I’ve been a member of Senate (including the Senate Finance Committee), the Environment representative on Arts Faculty Council, a member of FAUW’s Equity Committee and a director on the FAUW board. Recently, I’ve contributed to UW’s Equity Data Advisory Group and am currently on the coordinating crew of W3+ (Waterloo Womxn + Nonbinary Wednesdays). These experiences have given me a comprehensive understanding of university operations and reinforced the value of inclusive, collaborative governance in academia.

Vay Young

English Language and Literature and Communication Arts

When I describe myself to students, I say I am fun but serious. Let me combine seriousness and “funness” so you know why you should vote for me. Think V.A.Y: "Vibrant. Advocate. Yield." VIBRANT because I energetically engage service. I ADVOCATE for others in my roles as Director of Black Studies, professor, and associate chair. I am literally an ADVOCATE as a trained lawyer. I also assess advocacy in roles as arbitrator, mediator, and negotiator. YIELD because I collaborate with colleagues to increase effective communication and transparency. So, as you vote, just think V.A.Y.—the Vibrant Advocate who Yields.