Community & Culture Committee- Terms of Reference


The Community & Culture Committee is responsible for oversight of institutional initiatives, projects, plans and policies that impact the University’s culture, campus life, and student and employee experience.1

The Committee will also provide oversight for Board and University policy and risk management in areas related to its mandate, as directed by the Governance Committee and the Audit & Risk Committee. 

The Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Governors and is established in accordance with the University of Waterloo Act, and Board of Governors By-law 1.


2.1 University Values and Culture

2.1.1. Provide oversight and receive reports on strategic and/or major institutional initiatives regarding University values and cultures, including:

  • Strategic planning and visioning as it relates to values and culture
  • Workplace culture frameworks
  • Progress related to the above

2.2. Wellness and Campus Safety

2.2.1. Monitor and provide oversight of programs and related policies regarding the promotion and 
protection of the wellbeing of the University community, including:

  • Sexual violence prevention
  • Human rights
  • Freedom of expression
  • Campus wellness, support and accessibility
  • Campus health & safety and emergency management
  • Athletics

2.3. Indigenization

2.3.1. Monitor and receive updates on implementation of strategic initiatives, recommendations and 
priorities regarding Indigenization and reconciliation.

2.4. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism

2.4.1. Monitor and receive updates on implementation of strategic initiatives, recommendations and 
priorities regarding equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism.

2.5. Employee Experience

2.5.1. Monitor and receive updates on aspects of quality of the employee experience, including:

  • Employee engagement
  • Employee health and wellbeing
  • Talent management and retention
  • Wellness and campus safety (see also s.2.3.)

2.6. Student Experience

2.6.1. Monitor and receive updates on aspects of quality of the student experience within the Board’s 
purview, including:

  • Student mental health
  • Student accessibility
  • Wellness and campus safety (see also s.2.3.)

2.6.2. Receive annually a report from the Student Ombudsperson, and receive other related reports and updates as determined appropriate by the University Secretary in consultation with the chair of 
the Committee.

2.7. Alumni and Community Engagement

2.7.1. Receive annual reports on alumni engagement and on-campus community engagement


3.1. The Committee shall be comprised of the following through appointment by the Board of Governors:

3.1.1. Regular Voting Members

  • Up to 5 external members who shall normally be members of the Board of Governors (i.e. Community-at-Large or Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council members in any combination); at least one of whom shall be an alumnus of the University.2
  • 2 Faculty members of the Board of Governors
  • 1 Staff member of the Board of Governors
  • 1 Undergraduate Student member of the Board of Governors
  • 1 Graduate Student member of the Board of Governors

2 No more than two external members may be drawn from outside the Board of Governors.

3.1.2. Ex-Officio Voting Members

  • Chair, Board of Governors or designate
  • President & Vice-Chancellor

3.1.3.Non-Voting Members

  • University Secretary or designate

3.1.4. The Committee Chair shall be appointed by the Board of Governors from among the external Board members.


4.1. Meeting Frequency

4.1.1. The Committee will normally meet four times annually. Additional meetings may be held at the 
call of the Committee Chair.

4.2. Quorum

4.2.1. A quorum for the transaction of business at meetings of the Committee shall consist of a 
majority of the regular voting membership.

4.2.2. In the event that a meeting does not achieve quorum, any ex-officio voting members present 
may be counted as regular voting members for the purposes of establishing quorum.

4.3. Terms of Reference

4.3.1. The Committee shall review its terms of reference one year after the original effective date, and 
thereafter on an annual basis.

4.3.2. A comprehensive review shall be undertaken every five years, in accordance with the Board’s
Committee review schedule. 

4.3.3. The committee may recommend amendments to its terms of reference to the Board of Governors at any time. Should any provision of these terms of reference conflict with Board of Governors By-law 1, the applicable provision in By-law 1 shall prevail.

1Matters relating to employee remuneration, negotiation, and human resources policy remain under the purview of the Governance Committee

Approved by the Board of Governors, June 18, 2024