Alphabetical order
Last Name | First name | Year | Subject | Faculty |
Aczél | János |
1993 |
Pure Mathematics | Mathematics |
Ages | Arnold |
2004 |
French Studies | Arts |
Anderson | Anthony |
2003 |
Physics | Science |
Ariaratnam | Sinnathamby |
2002 |
Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Armitage | Howard | 2024 | Entrepreneurship and Business | Engineering |
Ashworth | Jennifer |
2007 |
Philosophy | Arts |
Aziz | Ronald |
1993 |
Physics | Science |
Besner | Derek | 2019 | Psychology | Arts |
Blake | Ian |
1997 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Black | Sandra | 2018 | Kinesiology | Health |
Bobier | William | 2021 | Optometry & Vision Science | Science |
Bols | Niels | 2015 | Biology | Science |
Boyle | Phelim |
2009 |
School of Accounting & Finance | Arts |
Brodie | Don |
1996 |
Physics | Science |
Brox | James |
2010 |
Economics | Arts |
Bryant | Darrol |
2007 |
Religious Studies (Renison College) | Arts |
Brzozowski | John |
1996 |
Computer Science | Mathematics |
Burn | Donald | 2022 | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Engineering |
Burns | David |
2004 |
Mechanical Engineering | Engineering |
Burris | Stanley | 2011 | Pure Mathematics | Mathematics |
Buyers | Jane | 2014 | Fine Arts | Arts |
Cameron | Roy | 2014 | Public Health & Health Systems | Health |
Chamberlain | Savvas |
1999 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Chatzis | Ioannis (John) | 2019 | Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Chaudhuri | Sujeet | 2017 | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Cherry | John |
2007 |
Earth & Environmental Sciences | Environment |
Cizek | Jiri |
1997 |
Applied Mathematics and Chemistry | Mathematics |
Cohn | Mircea |
1996 |
Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Counts | Dorothy |
1997 |
Anthropology | Arts |
Cowan | Donald |
1999 |
Computer Science | Mathematics |
Craton | Michael |
1999 |
History | Arts |
Crowne | Douglas |
1994 |
Psychology | Arts |
Cullen | Anthony |
2006 |
Science | Science |
Cummings | Laurence |
1994 |
Architecture | Engineering |
Dawson | Lorne | 2023 | Religious Studies | Arts |
Cunningham | William | 2012 | Combinatorics and Optimization | Mathematics |
Davidson | Kenneth | 2023 | Pure Mathematics | Mathematics |
Davison | Sydney |
2007 |
Applied Mathematics | Mathematics |
Djokovic | Dragomir |
2007 |
Pure Mathematics | Mathematics |
Downer | Roger |
1996 |
Biology | Science |
Dullien | Francis |
2002 |
Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Dumbroff | Erwin |
1994 |
Biology | Science |
Dyck | William |
1988 |
Germanic & Slavic Languages and Literatures | Arts |
Eagle | Paul | 2017 | Recreation & Leisure Studies | Health |
English | John |
2010 |
History | Arts |
Fahidy | Tom |
2004 |
Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Fallding | Harold |
1989 |
Sociology | Arts |
Farquhar | Grahame |
2001 |
Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Farvolden | Robert |
1994 |
Earth & Environmental Sciences | Environment |
Fernando | Herbert |
1999 |
Biology | Science |
Fisher | Edward |
1986 |
Optometry | Science |
Flanagan | John | 2017 | Optometry | Science |
Fonn | Desmond | 2012 | Optometry | Science |
Forbes | William |
1993 |
Gerontology | Health |
Forsyth | Peter | 2017 | Computer Science | Mathematics |
Forsyth | Phyllis |
2002 |
Classical Studies | Arts |
Fournier | Hannah |
2005 |
French Studies | Arts |
Francis | George |
1997 |
Environment & Resource Studies | Environment |
Frind | Emil |
2000 |
Earth & Environmental Sciences | Environment |
George | Alan | 2012 | Computer Science | Mathematics |
George | Rolf |
2007 |
Philosophy | Arts |
Gertler | Leonard |
1991 |
Urban & Regional Planning | Environment |
Gillham | Robert |
2008 |
Earth & Environmental Sciences | Science |
Gladwell | Graham |
2001 |
Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Glick | Bernard | 2018 | Biology | Science |
Godambe | Vidyadhar |
1991 |
Statistics & Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
Godsil | Chris | 2019 | Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematics |
Goulden | Ian | 2022 | Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematics |
Graham | Wes |
1996 |
Computer Science | Mathematics |
Graham | Fan Chung | 2017 | Combinatorics and Optimization | Mathematics |
Green | Howard |
2006 |
Kinesiology | Health |
Green | Art |
2007 |
Fine Arts | Arts |
Grierson | Donald |
2009 |
Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Gutiérrez | Mariela |
2009 |
Spanish & Latin American Studies | Arts |
Haas | Ralph |
1997 |
Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Haimes | Yacov | 2017 | Civil and Environmental | Engineering |
Handelsman | Jo | 2018 | Biology | Science |
Hanna | John |
1996 |
School of Accountancy | Arts |
Hanning | Rhona | 2024 | Public Health Sciences | Health |
Hansson | Carolyn | 2022 | Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Engineering |
Harrigan | Patrick |
2008 |
History | Arts |
Haworth | Lawrence |
1996 |
Philosophy | Arts |
Havitz | Mark | 2022 | Recreation & Leisure Studies | Health |
Heatley | Albert |
1967 |
Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Heier | Edmund |
1995 |
Germanic & Slavic Languages and Literatures | Arts |
Hibbard | George |
1985 |
English Language & Literature | Arts |
Hipel | Keith | 2021 | Systems Design Engineering | Engineering |
Hollands | Terry |
2002 |
Mechanical Engineering | Engineering |
Holmes | John | 2013 | Psychology | Arts |
Hoffman-Goetz | Laurie | 2017 | Public Health & Health Systems | Health |
Howard | Michael |
2007 |
Economics | Arts |
Hughson | Richard | 2022 | Kinesiology & Health Sciences | Health |
Huseyin | Koncay |
1997 |
Systems Design Engineering | Engineering |
Hutchinson | Bruce |
1997 |
Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Hynes | Noel |
1982 |
Biology | Science |
Irish | Donald |
1999 |
Chemistry | Science |
Jackson | David |
2008 |
Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematics |
John | David | 2014 | Germanic & Slavic Studies | Arts |
Kamen | Dean | 2017 | Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Kalbfleisch | Jack |
2005 |
Statistics & Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
Kapur | Ashok |
2006 |
Political Science | Arts |
Karasek | Frank |
1988 |
Chemistry | Science |
Karrow | Paul |
2001 |
Earth & Environmental Sciences | Environment |
Kendrick | Bryce |
1994 |
Biology | Science |
Kerr | Hugh |
1997 |
Mechanical Engineering | Engineering |
Kerr-Lawson | Angus | 2011 | Philosophy | Arts |
Kerton | Robert | 2011 | Economics | Arts |
Kesavan | Hiremaglur |
1992 |
Systems Design Engineering | Engineering |
Kouwen | Nicholas |
2009 |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Engineering |
Krueger | Ralph |
1993 |
Geography | Environment |
Kuzniar | Alice | 2022 | Germanic & Slavic Studies | Arts |
Lawless | Jerald |
2008 |
Statistics & Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
LeDrew | Ellsworth | 2019 | Geography & Environmental Management | Environment |
Lefcourt | Herbert |
1997 |
Psychology | Arts |
Legge | Raymond | 2022 | Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Leipholz | Horst |
1987 |
Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Lenard | John |
2008 |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Engineering |
Lennox | Bill |
2006 |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Engineering |
Lerner | Melvin |
1994 |
Psychology | Arts |
Lind | Niels |
1992 |
Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Lyle | William |
1989 |
Optometry | Science |
Last Name | First name | Year | Subject | Faculty |
MacLeod | Colin | 2024 | Psychology | Arts |
MacPhie | Robert |
2010 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Mark | Jon |
2002 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Martin | Walter |
1994 |
English | Arts |
McByde | Pete |
1986 |
Chemistry | Science |
McCourt | Fred |
2007 |
Chemistry | Science |
McCarville | Ron | 2024 | Recreation and Leisure Studies | Health |
McGee | Edward | 2014 | English Language & Literature | Arts |
McGill | Stuart | 2021 | Kinesiology & Health Sciences | Health |
McLaughlin | Kenneth |
2009 |
History and St. Jerome's University | Arts |
McKay | David | 2018 | Statistics & Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
Meichenbaum | Donald |
1997 |
Psychology | Arts |
Mannell | Roger | 2016 | Recreation and Leisure Studies | Health |
Merikle | Phil |
2008 |
Psychology | Arts |
Mitchell | Bruce | 2016 | Geography & Environmental Management | Environment |
Mitchinson | Wendy | 2015 | History | Arts |
Miller | David | 2018 | Earth & Environmental Sciences | Environment |
Miller | Dwayne | 2017 | Kinesiology | Health |
Moffatt | Barbara | 2024 | Biology | Science |
Moffat | John |
1999 |
Chemistry | Science |
Moo-Young | Murray |
2002 |
Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Mulamoottil | George |
2000 |
School of Planning | Environment |
Mullin | Ronald |
1996 |
Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematics |
Munro | Ian | 2024 | Computer Science | Science |
Myers | Anita | 2017 | Kinesiology | Health |
Narveson | Jan |
2007 |
Philosophy | Arts |
Nash | Peter |
1993 |
Geography | Environment |
Nelson | Gordon |
1998 |
Geography | Environment |
Ng | Flora | 2021 | Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Norman | Robert |
2002 |
Kinesiology | Health |
O'Brien | Patricia | 2024 | Accounting and Finance | Arts |
O’Driscoll | Kenneth |
1996 |
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry | Engineering |
Ober | Warren |
1994 |
English Language & Literature | Arts |
Paldus | Josef |
2001 |
Applied Mathematics and Chemistry | Mathematics |
Panjer | Harry | 2011 | Statistics & Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
Paré | François | 2017 | French Studies | Arts |
Pathria | Raj |
1999 |
Physics | Science |
Patterson | Nancy-Lou |
1993 |
Fine Arts | Arts |
Pearson | William |
1986 |
Chemistry, Physics | Science |
Pedlar | Alison |
2009 |
Recreation & Leisure Studies | Health |
Peterson | Carol |
2008 |
Biology | Science |
Pillay | Anand | 2018 | Statistics and Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
Pindera | Jerzy |
1987 |
Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Pintar | Milan |
2003 |
Physics | Science |
Plumtree | Alan |
2005 |
Mechanical Engineering | Engineering |
Poirer | Guy | 2024 | French Studies | Arts |
Power | Geoffrey |
2000 |
Biology | Science |
Preston | Richard |
1997 |
Geography | Environment |
Qualter | Terence |
1994 |
Political Science | Arts |
Quintana | Victor | 2011 | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Raithby | George |
1997 |
Mechanical Engineering | Engineering |
Reeve | John |
2006 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Reilly | Park |
1989 |
Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Reimer | James |
2008 |
Religious Studies | Arts |
Richardson | Curtis | 2018 | Environment and Earth Sciences | Science |
Ross | Hildy | 2013 | Psychology | Arts |
Ross | Michael | 2013 | Psychology | Arts |
Rothenburg | Leo | 2018 | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Engineering |
Rudin | Alfred |
1991 |
Chemistry | Science |
Russell | Delbert | 2012 | French Studies | Arts |
Russell | Grant | 2016 | School of Accounting and Finance | Arts |
Schey | John |
1994 |
Mechanical Engineering | Engineering |
Schiff | sherry | 2024 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science |
Schmidt | Wolfgang |
2005 |
Pure Mathematics | Mathematics |
Schuster | Reinhold | 2015 | Civil and Environmental Engineering | History |
Scott | Donald |
1992 |
Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Scott | William |
1996 |
School of Accountancy | Arts |
Sedra | Adel | 2014 | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Seligman | Paul |
1974 |
Philosophy | Arts |
Sharratt | Michael |
2009 |
Kinesiology | Health |
Shaw | Susan | 2012 | Recreation & Leisure Studies | Health |
Sherbourne | Archibald |
1997 |
Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Silveston | Peter |
2003 |
Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Sivak | Jacob |
2010 |
Optometry | Science |
Socken | Paul | 2012 | French Studies | Arts |
Sprott | David |
1996 |
Statistics & Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
Strong | J. Graham | 2017 | Optometry | Science |
Sykes | Jonathan | 2016 | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Engineering |
Suits | Bernard |
1995 |
Philosophy | Arts |
Taylor | William | 2015 | Earth & Environmental Sciences | Science |
Thomas | Walter Keith |
1993 |
English Language & Literature | Arts |
Thomson | Neil | 2024 | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Engineering |
Thompson | John | 2016 | Biology | Science |
Thompson | Mary | 2011 | Statistics & Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
Thurlow | Setsuko | 2018 | Peace and Conflict Studies | Arts |
Tibshirani | Robert | 2018 | Statistics & Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
Tompa | Frank | 2014 | Computer Science | Mathematics |
Topper | Timothy |
1997 |
Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Tutte | William |
1985 |
Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematics |
Vanderkooy | John |
2006 |
Physics | Science |
Vanstone | Scott |
2010 |
Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematics |
Viswanatha | Thammaiah |
1995 |
Chemistry | Science |
Vlach | Jiri |
2000 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Vogel-Sprott | Muriel |
1997 |
Psychology | Arts |
Wainwright | Patricia |
2009 |
Health Studies & Gerontology | Health |
Walker | James | 2022 | History | Arts |
Webb | Alan | 2024 | Accounting and Finance | Arts |
Wall | Geoffrey | 2015 | Geography & Environmental Management | Environment |
Wang | Shao-Fu |
1992 |
Physics | Science |
Wiedman | Christine | 2024 | Accounting and Finance | Arts |
Winter | David |
1994 |
Kinesiology | Health |
Wong | Andrew |
2002 |
Systems Design Engineering | Engineering |
Wong | John | 2016 | Computer Science | Math |
Wood | Jo-Anne | 2023 | Psychology | Arts |
Woody | Erik | 2019 | Psychology | Arts |
Yovanovich | Mike |
2000 |
Mechanical Engineering | Engineering |
Zanna | Mark | 2015 | Psychology | Arts |
Zeller | Anne | 2011 | Anthropology | Arts |
Zuzanek | Jiri |
2001 |
Recreation & Leisure Studies | Health |
By Faculty
Arts (DPE)
Last name | First name | Year | Subject |
Ages | Arnold |
2004 |
French Studies |
Ashworth | Jennifer |
2007 |
Philosophy |
Besner | Derek | 2019 | Psychology |
Boyle | Phelim |
2009 |
School of Accounting & Finance |
Brox | James |
2010 |
Economics |
Bryant | Darrol |
2007 |
Religious Studies (Renison College) |
Buyers | Jane |
2014 |
Fine Arts |
Counts | Dorothy |
1997 |
Anthropology |
Craton | Michael |
1999 |
History |
Crowne | Douglas |
1994 |
Psychology |
Dawson | Lorne | 2023 | Religious Studies |
Dyck | William |
1988 |
Germanic & Slavic Studies |
English | John |
2010 |
History |
Fallding | Harold |
1989 |
Sociology |
Forsyth | Phyllis |
2002 |
Classical Studies |
Fournier | Hannah |
2005 |
French Studies |
George | Rolf |
2007 |
Philosophy |
Green | Art |
2007 |
Fine Arts |
Gutiérrez | Mariela |
2009 |
Spanish & Latin American Studies |
Hanna | John |
1996 |
School of Accountancy |
Harrigan | Patrick |
2008 |
History |
Haworth | Lawrence |
1996 |
Philosophy |
Heier | Edmund |
1995 |
Germanic & Slavic Studies |
Hibbard | George |
1985 |
English |
Holmes | John |
2013 |
Psychology |
Howard | Michael |
2007 |
Economics |
John | David |
2014 |
Germanic & Slavic Studies |
Kapur | Ashok |
2006 |
Political Science |
Kerr-Lawson | Angus | 2011 | Philosophy |
Kerton | Robert | 2011 | Economics |
Kuzniar | Alice | 2022 | Germanic & Slavic Studies |
Lefcourt | Herbert |
1997 |
Psychology |
Lerner | Melvin |
1994 |
Psychology |
Martin | Walter |
1994 |
English |
McGee | Edward | 2014 | English |
McLaughlin | Kenneth |
2009 |
History and St. Jerome's University |
Meichenbaum | Donald |
1997 |
Psychology |
Merikle | Phil |
2008 |
Psychology |
Mitchinson | Wendy | 2015 | History |
Narveson | Jan |
2007 |
Philosophy |
Ober | Warren |
1994 |
English |
Paré | François | 2017 | French Studies |
Patterson | Nancy-Lou |
1993 |
Fine Arts |
Qualter | Terence |
1994 |
Political Science |
Reimer | James |
2008 |
Religious Studies |
Ross | Hildy |
2013 |
Psychology |
Ross | Michael |
2013 |
Psychology |
Russell | Delbert |
2012 |
French Studies |
Russell | Grant | 2016 | School of Accountancy |
Scott | William |
1996 |
School of Accountancy |
Seligman | Paul |
1974 |
Philosophy |
Socken | Paul |
2012 |
French Studies |
Suits | Bernard |
1995 |
Philosophy |
Thomas | Walter Keith |
1993 |
English |
Vogel-Sprott | Muriel |
1997 |
Psychology |
Walker | James | 2022 | History |
woods | Jo-Anne | 2023 | Psychology |
Woody | Erik | 2019 | Psychology |
Zanna | Mark | 2015 | Psychology |
Zeller | Anne | 2011 | Anthropology |
Engineering (DPE)
Last name | First name | Year | Subject |
Ariaratnam | Sinnathamby |
2002 |
Civil Engineering |
Blake | Ian |
1997 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Burn | Donald | 2022 | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Burns | David |
2004 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Brooks | Alison | 2016 | Engineering |
Chamberlain | Savvas |
1999 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Chatzis | Ioannis (John) | 2019 | Chemical Engineering |
Chaudhuri | Sujeet | 2017 | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Cohn | Mircea |
1996 |
Civil Engineering |
Cummings | Laurence |
1994 |
Architecture |
Dullien | Francis |
2002 |
Chemical Engineering |
Fahidy | Tom |
2004 |
Chemical Engineering |
Farquhar | Grahame |
2001 |
Civil Engineering |
Gladwell | Graham |
2001 |
Civil Engineering |
Grierson | Donald |
2009 |
Civil Engineering |
Haas | Ralph |
1997 |
Civil Engineering |
Hansson | Carolyn | 2022 | Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering |
Heatley | Albert |
1967 |
Chemical Engineering |
Hipel | Keith | 2021 | Systems Design Engineering |
Hollands | Terry |
2002 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Huseyin | Koncay |
1997 |
Systems Design Engineering |
Hutchinson | Bruce |
1997 |
Civil Engineering |
Kerr | Hugh |
1997 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Kesavan | Hiremaglur |
1992 |
Systems Design Engineering |
Kouwen | Nicholas |
2009 |
Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Legge | Raymond | 2022 | Chemical Engineering |
Leipholz | Horst |
1987 |
Civil Engineering |
Lenard | John |
2008 |
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering |
Lennox | Bill |
2006 |
Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Lind | Niels |
1992 |
Civil Engineering |
MacPhie | Robert |
2010 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Mark | Jon |
2002 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Moo-Young | Murray |
2002 |
Chemical Engineering |
Ng | Flora | 2021 | Chemical Engineering |
O’Driscoll | Kenneth |
1996 |
Chemical Engineering & Chemistry |
Pindera | Jerzy |
1987 |
Civil Engineering |
Plumtree | Alan |
2005 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Raithby | George |
1997 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Reeve | John |
2006 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Reilly | Park |
1989 |
Chemical Engineering |
Rothenburg | Leo | 2018 | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Schey | John |
1994 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Sedra | Adel | 2014 | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Schuster | Reinhold | 2015 | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Scott | Donald |
1992 |
Chemical Engineering |
Sherbourne | Archibald |
1997 |
Civil Engineering |
Silveston | Peter |
2003 |
Chemical Engineering |
Sykes | Jonathan | 2016 | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Topper | Timothy |
1997 |
Civil Engineering |
Vlach | Jiri |
2000 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Wong | Andrew |
2002 |
Systems Design Engineering |
Yovanovich | Mike |
2000 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Environment (DPE)
Last name | First name | Year | Subject |
Francis |
George |
1997 |
Environment & Resource Studies |
Gertler |
Leonard |
1991 |
Urban & Regional Planning |
Krueger |
Ralph |
1993 |
Geography |
LeDrew | Ellsworth | 2019 | Geography & Environmental Management |
Mitchell | Bruce | 2016 | Geography & Environmental Management |
Mulamoottil |
George |
2000 |
School of Planning |
Nash |
Peter |
1993 |
Geography |
Nelson |
Gordon |
1998 |
Geography |
Preston |
Richard |
1997 |
Geography |
Wall | Geoffrey | 2015 | Geography & Environmental Management |
Health (DPE)
Last name | First name | Year | Subject |
Cameron | Roy | 2014 | Public Health & Health Systems |
Eagles | Paul | 2017 | Recreation & Leisure Studies |
Forbes |
William |
1993 |
Gerontology |
Green |
Howard |
2006 |
Kinesiology |
Havitz | Mark | 2022 | Recreation & Leisure Studies |
Hoffman-Goetz | Laurie | 2017 | Public Health & Health Systems |
Hughson | Richard | 2022 | Kinesiology & Health Sciences |
Norman |
Robert |
2002 |
Kinesiology |
Mannell | Rogers | 2016 | Recreation & Leisure Studies |
McGill | Stuart | 2021 | Kinesiology & Health Sciences |
Myers | Anita | 2017 | Kinesiology |
Pedlar | Alison | 2009 | Recreation & Leisure Studies |
Sharratt |
Michael |
2009 |
Kinesiology |
Shaw | Susan | 2012 | Recreation & Leisure Studies |
Wainwright |
Patricia |
2009 |
Health Studies & Gerontology |
Winter |
David |
1994 |
Kinesiology |
Zuzanek |
Jiri |
2001 |
Recreation & Leisure Studies |
Mathematics (DPE)
Last name | First name | Year | Subject |
Aczél |
János |
1993 |
Pure Mathematics |
Brzozowski |
John |
1996 |
Computer Science |
Burris | Stanley | 2011 | Pure Mathematics |
Cizek |
Jiri |
1997 |
Applied Mathematics and Chemistry |
Cowan |
Donald |
1999 |
Computer Science |
Cunningham | William |
2012 |
Combinatorics & Optimization |
Davison |
Sydney |
2007 |
Applied Mathematics |
Davidson | Kenneth | 2023 |
Pure Mathematics |
Djokovic |
Dragomir |
2007 |
Pure Mathematics |
Forsyth | Peter | 2017 | Computer Science |
George | Alan |
2012 |
Computer Science |
Godambe |
Vidyadhar |
1991 |
Statistics & Actuarial Science |
Godsil | Chris | 2019 | Combinatorics & Optimization |
Goulden | Ian | 2022 | Combinatorics & Optimization |
Graham |
Wes |
1996 |
Computer Science |
Hare | Kathryn | 2022 | Pure Mathematics |
Jackson |
David |
2008 |
Combinatorics & Optimization |
Kalbfleisch |
Jack |
2005 |
Statistics & Actuarial Science |
Lawless |
Jerald |
2008 |
Statistics & Actuarial Science |
Mullin |
Ronald |
1996 |
Combinatorics & Optimization |
Paldus |
Josef |
2001 |
Applied Mathematics and Chemistry |
Panjer | Harry | 2011 | Statistics & Actuarial Science |
Sprott |
David |
1996 |
Statistics & Actuarial Science |
Thompson | Mary | 2011 | Statistics & Actuarial Science |
Tompa | Frank | 2014 | Computer Science |
Tutte |
William |
1985 |
Combinatorics & Optimization |
Vanstone |
Scott |
2010 |
Combinatorics & Optimization |
Wong | Johnny | 2016 | Computer Sicence |
Science (DPE)
Last name | First name | Year | Subject |
Anderson |
Anthony |
2003 |
Physics |
Aziz |
Ronald |
1993 |
Physics |
Bobier | William | 2021 | Optometry & Vision Science |
Bols | Neils |
2015 |
Biology |
Brodie |
Don |
1996 |
Physics |
Cherry | John | 2007 | Earth & Environmental Sciences |
Cullen |
Anthony |
2006 |
Science |
Downer |
Roger |
1996 |
Biology |
Dumbroff |
Erwin |
1994 |
Biology |
Farvolden | Robert | 1994 | Earth & Environmental Sciences |
Fernando |
Herbert |
1999 |
Biology |
Fisher |
Edward |
1986 |
Optometry |
Flanagan | John | 2017 | Optometry |
Fonn | Desmond |
2012 |
Optometry |
Frind | Emil | 2000 | Earth & Environmental Sciences |
Gillham |
Robert |
2008 |
Earth & Environmental Sciences |
Glick | Bernard | 2018 | Biology |
Hynes |
Noel |
1982 |
Biology |
Irish |
Donald |
1999 |
Chemistry |
Karasek |
Frank |
1988 |
Chemistry |
Karrow | Paul | 2001 | Earth & Environmental Sciences |
Kendrick |
Bryce |
1994 |
Biology |
Lyle |
William |
1989 |
Optometry |
McByde |
Pete |
1986 |
Chemistry |
McCourt |
Fred |
2007 |
Chemistry |
Moffat |
John |
1999 |
Chemistry |
Pathria |
Raj |
1999 |
Physics |
Pearson |
William |
1986 |
Chemistry and Physics |
Peterson |
Carol |
2008 |
Biology |
Pintar |
Milan |
2003 |
Physics |
Power |
Geoffrey |
2000 |
Biology |
Rudin |
Alfred |
1991 |
Chemistry |
Sivak |
Jacob |
2010 |
Optometry |
Strong | Graham | 2017 | Optometry |
Thompson | John | 2016 | Science |
Taylor | William | 2015 | Science |
Vanderkooy |
John |
2006 |
Physics |
Viswanatha |
Thammaiah |
1995 |
Chemistry |
Wang |
Shao-Fu |
1992 |
Physics |
By year
1960 - 1999 (DPE)
Last name | First name | Year | Subject | Faculty |
Heatley | Albert | 1967 | Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Seligman | Paul | 1974 | Philosophy | Arts |
Hynes | Noel | 1982 | Biology | Science |
Hibbard | George | 1985 | English | Arts |
Tutte | William | 1985 | Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematics |
Fisher | Edward | 1986 | Optometry | Science |
McByde | Pete | 1986 | Chemistry | Science |
Pearson | William | 1986 | Chemistry, Physics | Science |
Leipholz | Horst | 1987 | Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Pindera | Jerzy | 1987 | Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Dyck | William | 1988 | Germanic & Slavic Studies | Arts |
Karasek | Frank | 1988 | Chemistry | Science |
Fallding | Harold | 1989 | Sociology | Arts |
Lyle | William | 1989 | Optometry | Science |
Reilly | Park | 1989 | Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Gertler | Leonard | 1991 | Urban & Regional Planning | Environment |
Godambe | Vidyadhar | 1991 | Statistics & Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
Rudin | Alfred | 1991 | Chemistry | Science |
Kesavan | Hiremaglur | 1992 | Systems Design Engineering | Engineering |
Lind | Niels | 1992 | Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Scott | Donald | 1992 | Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Wang | Shao-Fu | 1992 | Physics | Science |
Aczél | János | 1993 | Pure Mathematics | Mathematics |
Aziz | Ronald | 1993 | Physics | Science |
Forbes | William | 1993 | Gerontology | Health |
Krueger | Ralph | 1993 | Geography | Environment |
Nash | Peter | 1993 | Geography | Environment |
Patterson | Nancy-Lou | 1993 | Fine Arts | Arts |
Thomas | Walter Keith | 1993 | English | Arts |
Crowne | Douglas | 1994 | Psychology | Arts |
Cummings | Laurence | 1994 | Architecture | Engineering |
Dumbroff | Erwin | 1994 | Biology | Science |
Farvolden | Robert | 1994 | Earth & Environmental Sciences | Environment |
Kendrick | Bryce | 1994 | Biology | Science |
Lerner | Melvin | 1994 | Psychology | Arts |
Martin | Walter | 1994 | English | Arts |
Ober | Warren | 1994 | English | Arts |
Qualter | Terence | 1994 | Political Science | Arts |
Schey | John | 1994 | Mechanical Engineering | Engineering |
Winter | David | 1994 | Kinesiology | Health |
Heier | Edmund | 1995 | Germanic & Slavic Studies | Arts |
Suits | Bernard | 1995 | Philosophy | Arts |
Viswanatha | Thammaiah | 1995 | Chemistry | Science |
Brodie | Don | 1996 | Physics | Science |
Brzozowski | John | 1996 | Computer Science | Mathematics |
Cohn | Mircea | 1996 | Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Downer | Roger | 1996 | Biology | Science |
Graham | Wes | 1996 | Computer Science | Mathematics |
Hanna | John | 1996 | School of Accountancy | Arts |
Haworth | Lawrence | 1996 | Philosophy | Arts |
Mullin | Ronald | 1996 | Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematics |
O’Driscoll | Kenneth | 1996 | Chemical Engineering and Chemistry | Engineering |
Scott | William | 1996 | School of Accountancy | Arts |
Sprott | David | 1996 | Statistics and Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
Blake | Ian | 1997 | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Cizek | Jiri | 1997 | Applied Mathematics and Chemistry | Mathematics |
Counts | Dorothy | 1997 | Anthropology | Arts |
Francis | George | 1997 | Environment & Resource Studies | Environment |
Haas | Ralph | 1997 | Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Huseyin | Koncay | 1997 | Systems Design Engineering | Engineering |
Hutchinson | Bruce | 1997 | Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Kerr | Hugh | 1997 | Mechanical Engineering | Engineering |
Lefcourt | Herbert | 1997 | Psychology | Arts |
Meichenbaum | Donald | 1997 | Psychology | Arts |
Preston | Richard | 1997 | Geography | Environment |
Raithby | George | 1997 | Mechanical Engineering | Engineering |
Sherbourne | Archibald | 1997 | Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Topper | Timothy | 1997 | Civil Engineering | Engineering |
Vogel-Sprott | Muriel | 1997 | Psychology | Arts |
Nelson | Gordon | 1998 | Geography | Environment |
Chamberlain | Savvas | 1999 | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Cowan | Donald | 1999 | Computer Science | Mathematics |
Craton | Michael | 1999 | History | Arts |
Fernando | Herbert | 1999 | Biology | Science |
Irish | Donald | 1999 | Chemistry | Science |
Moffat | John | 1999 | Chemistry | Science |
Pathria | Raj | 1999 | Physics | Science |
2000 - 2009 (DPE)
Last name | First name | Year | Subject | Faculty |
Frind |
Emil |
2000 |
Earth & Environmental Sciences |
Science |
Mulamoottil |
George |
2000 |
School of Planning |
Environment |
Power |
Geoffrey |
2000 |
Biology |
Science |
Vlach |
Jiri |
2000 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Engineering |
Yovanovich |
Mike |
2000 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Engineering |
Farquhar |
Grahame |
2001 |
Civil Engineering |
Engineering |
Gladwell |
Graham |
2001 |
Civil Engineering |
Engineering |
Karrow |
Paul |
2001 |
Earth & Environmental Sciences |
Science |
Paldus |
Josef |
2001 |
Applied Mathematics and Chemistry |
Mathematics |
Zuzanek |
Jiri |
2001 |
Recreation & Leisure Studies |
Health |
Ariaratnam |
Sinnathamby |
2002 |
Civil Engineering |
Engineering |
Dullien |
Francis |
2002 |
Chemical Engineering |
Engineering |
Forsyth |
Phyllis |
2002 |
Classical Studies |
Arts |
Hollands |
Terry |
2002 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Engineering |
Mark |
Jon |
2002 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Engineering |
Moo-Young |
Murray |
2002 |
Chemical Engineering |
Engineering |
Norman |
Robert |
2002 |
Kinesiology |
Health |
Wong |
Andrew |
2002 |
Systems Design Engineering |
Engineering |
Anderson |
Anthony |
2003 |
Physics |
Science |
Pintar |
Milan |
2003 |
Physics |
Science |
Silveston |
Peter |
2003 |
Chemical Engineering |
Engineering |
Ages |
Arnold |
2004 |
French Studies |
Arts |
Burns |
David |
2004 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Engineering |
Fahidy |
Tom |
2004 |
Chemical Engineering |
Engineering |
Fournier |
Hannah |
2005 |
French Studies |
Arts |
Kalbfleisch |
Jack |
2005 |
Statistics & Actuarial Science |
Mathematics |
Plumtree |
Alan |
2005 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Engineering |
Cullen |
Anthony |
2006 |
Science |
Science |
Green |
Howard |
2006 |
Kinesiology |
Health |
Kapur |
Ashok |
2006 |
Political Science |
Arts |
Lennox |
Bill |
2006 |
Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Engineering |
Reeve |
John |
2006 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Engineering |
Vanderkooy |
John |
2006 |
Physics |
Science |
Ashworth |
Jennifer |
2007 |
Philosophy |
Arts |
Bryant |
Darrol |
2007 |
Religious Studies (Renison College) |
Arts |
Cherry |
John |
2007 |
Earth & Environmental Sciences |
Science |
Davison |
Sydney |
2007 |
Applied Mathematics |
Mathematics |
Djokovic |
Dragomir |
2007 |
Pure Mathematics |
Mathematics |
George |
Rolf |
2007 |
Philosophy |
Arts |
Green |
Art |
2007 |
Fine Arts |
Arts |
Howard |
Michael |
2007 |
Economics |
Arts |
McCourt |
Fred |
2007 |
Chemistry |
Science |
Narveson |
Jan |
2007 |
Philosophy |
Arts |
Gillham |
Robert |
2008 |
Earth & Environmental Sciences |
Science |
Harrigan |
Patrick |
2008 |
History |
Arts |
Jackson |
David |
2008 |
Combinatorics & Optimization |
Mathematics |
Lawless |
Jerald |
2008 |
Statistics & Actuarial Science |
Mathematics |
Lenard |
John |
2008 |
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering |
Engineering |
Merikle |
Phil |
2008 |
Psychology |
Arts |
Peterson |
Carol |
2008 |
Biology |
Science |
Reimer |
James |
2008 |
Religious Studies |
Arts |
Boyle |
Phelim |
2009 |
School of Accounting and Finance |
Arts |
Grierson |
Donald |
2009 |
Civil Engineering |
Engineering |
Gutiérrez | Mariela | 2009 | Spanish & Latin American Studies | Arts |
Kouwen | Nicholas | 2009 | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Engineering |
McLaughlin |
Kenneth |
2009 |
History and St. Jerome's University |
Arts |
Pedlar | Alison | 2009 | Recreation & Leisure Studies | Health |
Sharratt |
Michael |
2009 |
Kinesiology |
Health |
Wainwright |
Patricia |
2009 |
Health Studies & Gerontology |
Health |
2010 - 2019 (DPE)
Last Name | First Name | Year | Subject | Faculty |
Brox | James | 2010 | Economics | Arts |
English | John | 2010 | History | Arts |
MacPhie | Robert | 2010 | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Sivak | Jacob | 2010 | Optometry | Science |
Vanstone | Scott | 2010 | Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematics |
Burris | Stanley | 2011 | Pure Mathematics | Mathematics |
Kerr-Lawson | Angus | 2011 | Philosophy | Arts |
Kerton | Robert | 2011 | Economics | Arts |
Quintana | Victor | 2011 | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Panjer | Harry | 2011 | Statistics & Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
Thompson | Mary | 2011 | Statistics & Actuarial Science | Mathematics |
Zeller | Anne | 2011 | Anthropology | Arts |
Cunningham | William | 2012 | Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematics |
Fonn | Desmond | 2012 | Optometry | Science |
George | Alan | 2012 | Computer Science | Mathematics |
Russell | Delbert | 2012 | French Studies | Arts |
Shaw | Susan | 2012 | Recreation & Leisure Studies | Health |
Socken | Paul | 2012 | French Studies | Arts |
Holmes | John | 2013 | Psychology | Arts |
Ross | Hildy | 2013 | Psychology | Arts |
Ross | Michael | 2013 | Psychology | Arts |
Buyers | Jane | 2014 | Fine Arts | Arts |
Cameron | Roy | 2014 | Public Health & Health Systems | Health |
John | David | 2014 | Germanic & Slavic Studies | Arts |
McGee | Edward | 2014 | English | Arts |
Sedra | Adel | 2014 | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Tompa | Frank | 2014 | Computer Science | Mathematics |
Bols | Niels | 2015 | Biology | Science |
Mitchinson | Wendy | 2015 | History | Arts |
Schuster | Reinhold | 2015 | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Engineering |
Taylor | William | 2015 | Earth & Environmental Sciences | Science |
Wall | Geoffrey | 2015 | Geography & Environmental Management | Environment |
Zanna | Mark | 2015 | Psychology | Arts |
Mannell | Roger | 2016 | Recreation & Leisure Studies | Health |
Mitchell | Bruce | 2016 | Geography & Environmental Management | Environment |
Thompson | John | 2016 | Biology | Science |
Sykes | Jonathan | 2016 | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Engineering |
Wong | Johnny | 2016 | Computer Science | Math |
Chaudhuri | Sujeet | 2017 | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering |
Eagles | Paul | 2017 | Recreation & Leisure Studies | Health |
Myers | Anita | 2017 | Kinesology | Health |
Forsyth | Peter | 2017 | Computer Science | Mathematics |
Glick | Bernard | 2018 | Biology | Science |
Rothenburg | Leo | 2018 | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Engineering |
Besner | Derek | 2019 | Psychology | Arts |
Chatzis | Ioannis (John) | 2019 | Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Godsil | Chris | 2019 | Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematics |
LeDrew | Ellsworth | 2019 | Geography & Environmental Management | Environment |
Woody | Erik | 2019 | Psychology | Arts |
2020 - 2029 (DPE)
Last Name | First Name | Year | Subject | Faculty |
Bobier | William | 2021 | Optometry & Vision Science | Science |
Hipel | Keith | 2021 | Systems Design Engineering | Engineering |
McGill | Stuart | 2021 | Kinesiology & Health Sciences | Health |
Ng | Flora | 2021 | Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Burn | Donald | 2022 | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Engineering |
Goulden | Ian | 2022 | Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematics |
Hansson | Carolyn | 2022 | Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering | Engineering |
Hare | Kathryn | 2022 | Pure Mathematics | Mathematics |
Havitz | Mark | 2022 | Recreation & Leisure Studies | Health |
Hughson | Richard | 2022 | Kinesiology & Health Sciences | Health |
Kuzniar | Alice | 2022 | Germanic & Slavic Studies | Arts |
Legge | Raymond | 2022 | Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
Walker | James | 2022 | History | Arts |
Davidson | Kenneth | 2023 | Pure Mathematics | Mathematics |
Dawson | Lorne | 2023 | Religious Studies | Arts |
Wood | Jo-Anne | 2023 | Psychology | Arts |
Hanning | Rhona | 2024 | Public Health | Health |
Munro | Ian | 2024 | Computer Science | Math |
McCarville | Ron | 2024 | Recreation and Leisure Studies | Health |
MacLeod | Colin | 2024 | Psychology | Arts |
O'Brien | Patricia | 2024 | Accounting | Arts |
Thomson | Neil | 2024 | Civil and Environment Engineering | Engineering |
Wiedman | Christine | 2024 | Accounting | Arts |
Webb | Alan | 2024 | Accounting | Arts |
Moffatt | Barbara | 2024 | Biology | Science |
Poirer | Guy | 2024 | French Studies | Arts |
Schiff | Sherry | 2024 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science |
Armitage | Howard | 2024 | Entrepreneurship and Business | Engineering |