The University of Waterloo is governed by the University of Waterloo Act, 1972, which established a bicameral governance structure consisting of a Board of Governors and Senate. In consultation with Senate, the Board sets the strategic direction of the institution.
What is the Board of Governors?
The Board of Governors is responsible of all aspects of the governance of the University of Waterloo not assigned to the Senate. This includes oversight for all financial matters and matters related to property. It establishes and enforces regulations for the use of the university’s buildings, grounds and ancillary operations, approves the university’s operating and capital budgets, oversees expenditures form those budgets, and sets fees. The Board appoints the President and Vice-Chancellor, Vice-Presidents and Deans of the University.
The Board delegates responsibility for the day-to-day leadership and operations to the President and Vice-Chancellor and oversees the President in carrying out these responsibilities.
What is the Senate?
The Senate is the highest authority on academic matters and is responsible for the sound management of academic issues. This includes the power, subject to the approval for the Board insofar as the expenditures of funds is concerned, to create, modify or remove faculties, schools, institutes, departments or chairs. It determines courses of study and standards for admission, determines qualifications for degrees and diplomas, determines policies concerning faculty appointments and tenure, confers honorary degrees and appoints the Chancellor.