Information about the search process
The Dean of Arts Nominating Committee was formed in June 2018 under the terms of Policy 45 and was tasked with identifying a successor for Dean Peers. An external search consulting firm, Odgers Berndtson, was engaged to assist the committee.
The position was advertised in September 2018. The committee consulted widely within the Faculty and among members of university administration, including with the current dean, to review issues, priorities, opportunities and challenges facing the Faculty and an incoming dean. A candidate brief, informed by the consultation process, was developed. Efforts were focused on identifying excellent declared and potential candidates, both internal and external.
From the long list of applications and expressions of interest received, the committee narrowed the list of individuals to be invited for an interview. On the basis of the interviews and information available to the committee, members unanimously agreed to recommend Professor Sheila Ager for consideration by the constituency as the next dean of the Faculty of Arts.
Members of the Faculty of Arts will be given the opportunity to review Professor Ager’s curriculum vitae and cover letter, and to meet her on Friday 15 February 2019 from 9:30 to 10:30 am in ML 259 Theater of the Arts. Regular faculty and staff of the Faculty of Arts will then vote on her acceptability as the next dean of the Faculty.
If the committee believes that the vote expresses general approval of its unanimous recommendation and is consistent with the requirements of Policy 45, the committee will recommend the appointment to the president who, in turn, will recommend it to Senate. With Senate’s endorsement, the president will recommend the appointment to the Board of Governors. Following approval at that level, the president will make a public announcement.