Summary of the January 27, 2025 Meeting of Senate

Friday, January 31, 2025

Summary of the January 27, 2025 Meeting of Senate

The University of Waterloo Senate is comprised of faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, governors, and administrative staff who are both elected and ex-officio members. This governing body of the institution is the highest authority on academic matters and meets regularly to discuss topics such as academic programs, educational policies, appointments, and other academic priorities.

The following items were approved at the meeting:

  • Amendments to Policy 33 – Ethical Behaviour, with further recommendation to the Board of Governors for final approval
  • Major modifications to academic plans
    • Civil engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and mechanical and mechatronics engineering (graduate)
    • Master of Development Practice Plan (graduate)
    • New specialization plan in applied mathematics (undergraduate)
  • Individuals to be awarded the titles of Distinguished Professor Emeritus/a, and of Honorary Member of the University degrees (confidential session)
  • First reading to proposed amendments to Senate bylaws, to change the start of the Senate governance year from May 1 to September 1
  • Amendment to the Constitution and By Laws of the Science Faculty Council and Assembly, to amend the student membership of the faculty council
  • Committee membership appointments for the Distinguished Teacher Awards and for the Amit & Meena Chakma Award for Exceptional Teaching by a Student

Additionally, Senate received reports on the following matters:

  • Annual Report of the Office of the Vice-President, Research and International
  • Undergraduate and graduate admissions update, with figures for the most recent year and data on multi-year trends

For more information

Visit the Senate website to find the meeting agenda and related materials for all recent Senate meetings, as well as dates for upcoming meetings. Information for visitors interested in attending a Senate meeting can be found on the Secretariat website.

If you have any questions, please contact the Secretariat at