Established: January 1, 1988
Class: G
1. General Principles
- The University is committed to providing equal employment opportunity to all individuals regardless of age, sex, disability, ethnic origin, race, or any other grounds as stipulated in the Ontario Human Rights Code.
- The University will undertake positive steps to promote the full participation and integration of women, visible minorities, aboriginal people and people with disabilities within the University.
2. Guidelines
- It is expected that all department Heads, managers, supervisors, and individuals in a position to influence a decision concerning employment of an individual or the status or working conditions of faculty and staff will ensure the consistent application of this policy and be aware of the legislation which governs these activities.
- Human Resources will assist department Heads, managers and supervisors in identifying and preventing problems of both direct and indirect discrimination and in identifying areas where action may be required to increase employment opportunities for women, visible minorities, native people and people with disabilities.
- Employee concerns about or complaints of discrimination should be raised with the immediate supervisor or department Head. If this is neither desirable nor effective, the employee may pursue other avenues; specifically, the Ethical Behaviour Policy #33.