November 1, 2017
These guidelines clarify conditions instituting stipends for reassignment of duties within a unit for periods exceeding four weeks and not extending beyond 12 months. Stipends are not granted for redistribution of duties resulting from short-term absences such as sickness and vacation. For project assignments of 12 months or longer and for staff movement between units, see Policy 18 3(b), "Secondments".
Each case should be considered on its own merit and circumstances, but the following guidelines should be applied. In all cases, managers must consult with their respective HR Partner before stipends are put into place.
When a staff member is required to assume additional duties and responsibilities normally assigned to another staff member, and when these duties and responsibilities clearly exceed her/his own grade level (that is, at least a one-grade differential), a stipend of up to 5% will normally be paid. Where the temporary assignment is several grades higher than the staff member’s current USG position, the staff member’s salary should be at the minimum of the job value appropriate to the higher USG level with comparable duties and responsibilities.
Payment of a stipend will be arranged in consultation with your HR Partner. A form will be initiated by the HR Partner and signed by both the Organizational Unit Head and the employee, specifying: the temporary nature of the payment; funding sources; start and termination dates; and the fact that the stipend does not impact pension and benefits.
When portions of a senior-level position are distributed among several staff members, a stipend may or may not be applicable.
In cases where an individual is taking on additional duties for which remuneration is lower than or at the same level as her/his current USG position, no stipend is payable. However, if the additional work results in overtime, compensation for the extra hours worked may be in the form of time off, pay, or overtime if the staff member is eligible under Policy 16.