Contracts and Agreements -- Zero or Unspecified Dollar Amount, Template Approved by Secretariat
Established: October 2007
Where a contract or agreement contains either zero or an unspecified dollar amount and the template for the contract or agreement has been approved by the Secretariat [indicated by a statement 'approved by the Secretariat [date]' inserted by the Secretariat], the authority to bind the University to the terms thereof is set out below. Accountability for compliance following execution rests with the signatory. Persons designated under this resolution may not amend the approved template wording nor execute a document which has been so amended. An individual shall not exercise signing authority in circumstances where a conflict of interest exists or could be seen to exist and shall inform his/her immediate supervisor when such a circumstance arises.
Executed originals are to be retained in the office of the Dean, department head or President / Provost as appropriate. A copy of the executed document is to be filed with the Secretary of the University immediately after execution.
- Faculties
One of:- The Faculty Dean, an Academic Department Chair; an individual specifically designated in writing by a Faculty Dean or Department Chair, provided such designation has been filed with the Secretariat
- Academic Support Departments
One of:- A Vice-President; the Secretary of the University; an Associate Provost; an Associate Vice-President; the Dean of Graduate Studies; an individual specifically designated in writing by one of the above, provided such designation has been filed with the Secretariat
- Executive / University Level
One of:- The President; the Vice-President, Academic & Provost; a Vice-President; the Secretary of the University; an Associate Provost; an Associate Vice-President; a Dean