Murray Gamble

Constituency: Community-at-Large

Chair of the Board of Governors


  • May 1, 2022 to April 30, 2025


 Murray Gamble is the President of the C3 Group of Companies, an innovative engineering and advanced construction technology organization, based in Waterloo Region.  A graduate of the University of Waterloo, Murray has been an active entrepreneur in the region for over 35 years, founding a number of companies with his partner Cameron Wood.  He is also an active Angel Investor, mentor and board member for several Ontario based technology companies.

Murray is the Chair of the Waterloo Region Economic Development Corporation board and is past Chair of Innovators Alliance (the association of the CEOs of Ontario’s high growth firms). Murray has served on the boards of many community organizations including the KW Community Foundation, The Centre-in-the-Square, The KW Art Gallery and Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership Council.

He was the 2013 recipient of the Waterloo Region Barnraiser of the Year Award for collaborative community leadership and was the 2017 recipient of the Michael R. Follet Community Leader of the Year Award from the KW Chamber of Commerce.

Murray is a graduate of the University of Waterloo (BASc ’85 Civil Engineering).

Murray G