Teresa Fortney

Constituency: Community-at-Large

Vice-Chair of the Board of Governors


  • May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2027


Teresa  spent her career as a finance executive in food processing, consumer goods, manufacturing and automotive companies. Over the course of her career, she has served as the CFO for Clearwater Seafoods, Wescast Industries, McCormick Spices and SVP Finance for Maple Leaf Foods and VP Finance for Schneider Foods.

Teresa has been actively involved in her community throughout her career and served as Director and Treasurer of the Greater KW Chamber of Commerce, Director and Treasurer of Countryside Conference Centre Association, the Chair and Board Trustee of CMA Canada Research Foundation (of the Society of Certified Management Accountants of Canada), and  Board chair of CMA Ontario and Board member of CMA Canada.

Teresa is currently active on several boards including the University of Waterloo, Walker Industries and Eden Valley Poultry.

Teresa is a University of Waterloo alumni, with a Bachelor of Math, Accounting and Finance Co-op degree and she is an FCPA, FCMA and holds her ICD.d designation through the Institute of Corporate Directors.
