Student Services Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference


To review all aspects of student services supported in whole or in part by the Student Services Fee.

To advise the vice-president, academic & provost on:

  1. proposals for increases, decreases or redistribution of services and funds in connection with student services supported in whole or in part by the Student Services Fee;
  2. the adequacy of these student services by annually receiving reports on the functions and budgets of the student service units supported in whole or in part by the Student Services Fee; and by conducting periodic in-depth reviews of said reports and budgets of selected student service units as outlined by the committee in the annual work plan; and
  3. the amount of the Student Services Fee.

To encourage open discussion and debate about student services and proposed fee changes.


The SSAC will be sensitive to the fact that the student is both primary client and funding source for student services. The SSAC will be particularly sensitive to the balance between the desirability of a service and its financial cost to the student.

With respect to decision making, SSAC will endeavour to achieve consensus. However, should consensus on a matter before the committee not be reached:

  • the matter will be decided by a majority of the votes of members present; and
  • the results of the vote, rationale behind the decision, conflicting views, and relative degree of support by students and administrators will be forwarded to the vice-president, academic & provost, as appropriate.


SSAC will consist of seven student representatives, four senior administrators, and three resources as follows:

  • the president of the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association
  • the president of the Graduate Student Association
  • three Waterloo Undergraduate Student Associate Directors appointed by the president of the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association.
  • one undergraduate student appointed by the president of the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association
  • one graduate student appointed by the president of the Graduate Student Association
  • the vice-president, administration & finance, or delegate
  • the associate vice-president, academic, who will chair the committee
  • the associate provost, students
  • a director of a student service unit (two-year term; senior director of a large unit)


  • the director management reporting & budgets, finance
  • the general manager of the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association
  • the general manager of the Graduate Student Association

* Functions/Units supported by the Student Services Fee

Athletics & Recreational Services,

Campus Wellness,

Centre for Career Development,

Student Ombuds Office

Student Success Office,

Writing & Communication Centre

Revised October 1997
Revised June 1, 2004; approved by the Provost on June 2, 2004
Revised May 1, 2005; approved by the Provost on May 1, 2005
Revised August 28, 2009; approved by the Provost on August 18, 2009
Revised January 18, 2010; approved by the Provost on February 18, 2010
​Revised December 3, 2010; approved by the Provost on December 3, 2010
Revised October 31, 2014; approved by the Provost on October 31, 2014
Revised October 3, 2016; approved by the Provost on October 3, 2016
Revised November 23, 2016; approved by the Provost on November 23, 2016
Revised 1 May 2017
Revised 17 April 2019, approved by the Provost on 9 May 2019                                                                Revised 16 February 2023
Revised March 1, 2024, approved by the Provost on July 31, 2024.