Master's Research Paper

The Masters Research Paper (MRP) must be completed to fulfill the requirements of the Masters Research Paper option milestone for the MMath Statistics, MMath Actuarial Science, MMath Biostatistics, and MQF degrees.

i. Timing of the Master's Research Paper

Students should have located a supervisor near the beginning of term two. The topic of the research paper should be decided before the end term two. Normally, the topic is decided in consultation with the primary supervisor, however some students may come up with a topic on their own. The supervisor must approve any research proposal originating from the student. 

The paper should be complete by the end of the term three. Financial support is not guaranteed past this term.

ii. Format and Content of the Master's Research Paper

Formatting should follow UWaterloo’s thesis guidelines. Word and LaTeX templates can be downloaded from the library. Note that these guidelines refer to a thesis, not everything will be applicable.

Most MRPs are between 35-50 pages long. The content should be decided in consultation with the supervisor(s). Abstracts for previous MRPs can be reviewed to get an idea of research topics.

iii. Evaluation of the Master's Research Paper

Once a student has completed a final draft of their MRP, it must be submitted for evaluation. The research paper must be evaluated by at a minimum:

  • The student’s supervisor or co-supervisors (the primary supervisor must be a SAS faculty member); and
  • second reader (normally a regular faculty member who is not a supervisor or co-supervisor.)

The second reader is typically chosen by the primary supervisor in consultation with the student. Outside experts, including faculty members from other departments or universities, industry experts, etc., may also serve as the second reader of an MRP with the approval of the SAS Graduate Officer.

The MRP will be graded according to the following guidelines:

Level Criterion Numeric Grade (minuses) Numeric Grade Numeric Grade (Pluses)
I Work is nearly publishable, or better 92 95 98
II Not publishable, but is very well written and contains valuable insights. 82 85 88
III Adds little academic value, but a reasonable job overall. 72 75 78
IV Low-quality work, but acceptable for the MMath degree. 62 65 68
V Not acceptable for the MMath Degree

Students who submit essays deemed unacceptable (level V) must consult with their supervisor, second reader, and associate chair, graduate studies, to create a plan to suitably improve the work to an acceptable level. This may involve requiring the student to stay an extra term (departmental financial support will not be provided).

iv. Master's Research Paper submission and Degree Completion Process

  • Step 1: MRP should be completed at least three weeks prior to the last day of term
  • Step 2: Student must complete the MRP submission form, submit paper to Supervisor(s) and second reader, and apply to graduate in quest as soon as paper is complete. 
  • Step 3: Supervisor and second reader must complete their evaluation of the paper and return the signed grade form to the Graduate Studies Manager at least two weeks prior to the end of term. 
  • Step 4: Students must complete any revisions requested by supervisor(s) and second reader. 

Once the signed grade form is submitted it will take 2-3 business days for GSPA to code the milestone as complete. It will then be another 2-3 business days for degree completion to be approved and coded in Quest. 

Important information for international students

The information below applies to international students that hold a TA or an RA position when they degree complete. 

If you are not a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada, you may not engage in employment with the University (TA or RA) past your degree completion date, unless;

  • you hold a valid work permit, or,
  • you have applied for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP).

Review the information on PGWP for specifics on applying for a PGWP and your status in Canada during the application period. Supporting documentation (copy of work permit or proof of submission of PGWP) can be loaded directly into WorkDay (in Workday, click View All Apps, then click Personal Information and then Worker Documents. You will then be prompted to upload the document). Failure to maintain work authorization may result in jeopardizing your future immigration applications.